Roaming Children's Shrinking Radius'

Your last two sentences just reinforce my point more.
Now, as to the level of what each person did to earn their sex offender status, you can go to your official state website and see exactly what they were convicted of (or at least you can in my state).
If my kids were to walk three or four miles up the road, they would pass several men & women who were convicted of pretty bad things.

This is not a matter of me being paranoid. It is a matter of me culling the lists and seeing exactly who lives close to me and exactly what they did.
The bad guys are out there and they live close. I am not imagining things.

BTW, on our state list I found a black belt that I came up with who apparently likes to rape adult women in his spare time now......


Which is the point I was trying to make. The simple presence of a person on the list doesn't mean that they are a threat to you or your kids. Don't just run the check, and run screaming 'cause you've got a guy living 3 miles from you on the list. Find out why he's there, and what he's done. Then make your decisions... And prepare your family and friends appropriately, as well.

But, as I tried to say in those last two sentences -- you've got to realize that there is ALWAYS danger, and that some of the most dangerous times are when you think kids are safe. I think that in the "good ol' days", when we spent most of our day outside, running around, climbing trees, skateboarding without helmets, and more... we weren't being approached by 40 year olds looking to have sex with teens (or younger...ICK!).
Wow, that must've been something for a 10 year-old to watch their parent literally sail away and wonder... they ARE coming back... aren't they??? Lots of love and trust there I'm sure.

Totally... Dad and i regularly went camping and sailing when i was a kid and i trusted him completly. He saved my life once when i was being pulled underwater in a rip... i would have followed him into any situation, confident he could get us home again safely.

Question is... would you do the same with your kids today?

Well, i don't have kids and i don't plan to, but if i did... um, no. Those seals sometimes had pups and adult seals can move surprisingly fast!
Well, I don't have kids and I don't plan to, but if I did... um, no. Those seals sometimes had pups and adult seals can move surprisingly fast!

Well apparently your Dad didn't have those concerns ... did he?
Well apparently your Dad didn't have those concerns ... did he?

My Dad is a bit of a fly-by-the-seat-of-yr-pants adventure junkie... the danger probably never occured to him. It was the same deal when he took me skiing for the first time... he somehow thought a narrow, rock-littered black run was the perfect slope for a novice on their third day skiing. (perfect maybe for giving him a good laugh as i cartwheeled down the hill!) Mind you, i play into this mentality too... the "sure, why not? I can do this" kinda thing, totally unfounded in any experience!