"Road Rage" the game...


MT Mentor
On another thread "Dealing with your temper..." a lot of folks talked about how hard it is to keep your cool when confronted with all the idiots and maniacs on the road ("idiots" are people that drive slower than you and get in your way, "maniacs", of course are the people who drive faster than you and want to get around you... imagine that!). Anyway, driving has become something of a martial art these days, so I thought I'd stick this in.

In spite of my long term involvement in the MAs, I still have some anger management issues, and no where is this potentially a more serious problem than when driving. But I found a solution when I started playing a game we called "Road Rage" with some of my friends and co-workers. It works like this. You get together and set up point values for various kinds of obnoxious driving behaviors. Then every day on your commute you tally up all the obnoxious behaviors, and the person who gathers the most points wins. So, for example, if someone tailgates you, you might get 5 points, but if he/she also flips you off, you get double points and so on. But the catch is, you can't provoke the other driver or you lose points. So the trick is to drive courteously and defensively, and really hope you get lucky and encounter some really rude people.

A typical conversation at work would go like this, "Hey, you won't believe what some guy did on the way to work this morning. Traffic was backed up about a quarter mile, you know, where the road narrows down to one lane due to construction, right? So after a 15 minute wait, I finally get up to where the lanes merge. Well, this guy comes zooming in from behind, passing everyone on the right shoulder. He gets all the way up to the front and forces his way back in line, right in front of me. I tried to let him in, but before I could, he rammed his way in, almost scraping my bumper. Then, he slammed on his brakes and flipped me off! I tallied it up, and that should be at least 45 points, putting me in the lead!" To which my co-worker sullenly responds, "Damn, you have all the luck. So far all I've got is one tailgater this morning, and an unsafe lane change back on Tuesday."

As long as we kept the game going, not one of us "lost it". In fact we'd get excited when we had a "good" day... encountering a lot of obnoxious drivers. However, since I now work in a different area and stopped playing the game for a while, all bets are off.
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As long as we kept the game going, not one of us "lost it". In fact we'd get excited when we had a "good" day... encountering a lot of obnoxious drivers. However, since I now work in a different area and stopped playing the game for a while, all bets are off.

:rofl: That's a great way of reframing the situation! The tricky part is to not provoke the other driver; a lot of people do this without being conscious of it.

True story: I was riding with a friend in his car on a two-lane road. A car pulled out in front of us, just far enough ahead that he would have attained traffic speed before we got to him. I felt my friend's car accelerating, and then he started shouting at this so-and-so for cutting him off. When I pointed out that he had sped up, he looked at me with this surprised look and said, "I did, didn't I?"
Haha! If and when I spend enough time in my car, I'll play that game.

There could be a sequel to this game: Bicycle vs Car. In the warmer months, I get road rage on my bicycle when drivers blaze through stop signs, purposefully cut off cyclists, or throw things out of their windows.

Which brings to mind: I need to make stickers that say "PULL ME OVER, COPPER" so I can retaliate and "score" points.
Haha! If and when I spend enough time in my car, I'll play that game.

There could be a sequel to this game: Bicycle vs Car. In the warmer months, I get road rage on my bicycle when drivers blaze through stop signs, purposefully cut off cyclists, or throw things out of their windows.

Which brings to mind: I need to make stickers that say "PULL ME OVER, COPPER" so I can retaliate and "score" points.

That's a fun game. What I love is crawling behind a bicyclist for miles on a busy two-lane road, waiting for a gap in oncoming traffic so I can overtake him, and then coming to a stop sign, at which point the bicyclist shoots up to the front and we get to start all over again.

Good times.
Moving roadblocks are what kill me, where I'm in the passing lane trying to do my thing and behind a guy who's pacing the car next to him, both going 63 in a 60. Man, that more than anything gets me.

I am also irritated by people who do things that actually gum up the works and then act snotty about it, presuming that I am the one being a jerk. A great example of this is when two lanes are merging into one, whether due to road construction, an accident or whatever. Many people incorrectly merge right away, leaving a lane open. The correct thing to do is zipper in at the point of the merge. The folks who merge so early are actually making it take longer for everyone. If everyone would use both lanes up to the point of the merge and then zipper in, things go very smoothly. But when people do this, someone invariably acts like a jerk and won't let the cars merge in.

The thrust of the thread is ingenious, by the way. I do something similar, which is to imagine circus music in the background whenever someone does something annoying or stupid... pretend they're clowns. Works very well. :)
I am with you 100%, SBJJ. There are people here to come to a stop at the point of a merge...and I try my best not to let it drive me crazy. I am all for zippering.

I love the road rage game. I will have to get together with my co-workers and start playing. :)
Haha! If and when I spend enough time in my car, I'll play that game.

There could be a sequel to this game: Bicycle vs Car. In the warmer months, I get road rage on my bicycle when drivers blaze through stop signs, purposefully cut off cyclists, or throw things out of their windows.

Which brings to mind: I need to make stickers that say "PULL ME OVER, COPPER" so I can retaliate and "score" points.

Bicycle vs Car
My catalyst to near road rage was some clueless fat guy driving a beat-up red pick'em-up truck screaming out the passenger window to me riding a bicycle along the the side of the road, "USE THE SIDEWALK JERK!"

Yeah, I call them catalysts. Well sometimes ****ing catalysts, oh and *******s. They are the ones that kick off the process that creates road rage.
The thrust of the thread is ingenious, by the way. I do something similar, which is to imagine circus music in the background whenever someone does something annoying or stupid... pretend they're clowns. Works very well. :)

LOL! You too? The song I use is Baby Elephant Walk.
I really love the idea in this thread! It could really work for me as I have to admit a bit of a problem with road rage, but oddly not due to my impatience with others but more to do with other drivers impatience of others. To help me personally this game would have to include a point system for every car horn I hear. Car horns drive me crazy you see!

It is just the sound that triggers a rage response inside of me! It is so bad that someone doesn't even have to be honking at me (in fact it is very rare for someone to honk at me as I'm quite a pro-active driver that very rarely gets in peoples way.) Even as a pedestrian walking alongside a road, if I hear a car honking at another car i would quite happily kick the headlights in of the driver who used the horn (only the fear of consequence stops me!!) I find the sound of "hooooooaaaaaah" is so loud and agressive. People don't use the horn as it is intended in the highway code but more as a way of expressing their self important rage! The reason being it is such a loud and agressive blunt sound.

Now if there could be a law passed that forced car manufacturers to make the car horn quite an embarrassing sound it would solve this problem. Perhaps if a horn made the sound of Kenneth Williams in the Carry On films "oooooooooooh matron", or the sound of a female tennis player grunting with effort when returning a difficult shot, or even just a simple long wet fart perhaps people would only use the horn when they absolutely had no other choice but to use it! ie. when they need to let somebody know they are there to avoid a crash. As it stands now too many people hit their horns before their brakes!
I love the idea, but I'm afraid that I may be a lost cause...

I don't have normal road rage, where I just lose it because the next vehicle over "wronged" me in some way.

The problem I have is that I am a very, overly cautious while driving...especially now, since my twins were born. Having to drive with them in the car is still nerve racking, but not because of them directly...I just worry that some bozo is going to come flying out of nowhere and ram our car.

I live on the outskirts of town, and I have to take some rural roads to get into town. I also live in the south, where "big trucks" are the thing. I guess it's because these roads aren't policied very well, but the thing to do seems to be to get on these rural roads and drive as fast as you possibly can. The speed limit on all of them is 55 mph, but these people in their "big trucks" think it's fun to zip around cars that drive between 55 and 65, and that it's even more fun to do this on hills and curves.

If I'm driving 65 mph, and a truck blows by me like I'm not even moving, they're definitely going too fast. And with my girls in the car, I get really, really anxious and nervous. Playing the road rage game isn't really going to calm my nerves, even though it is a good idea.

Maybe once I get used to having them ride with me, and I don't feel so scared with them in the car, I can relax. But, with people who drive like that, it still makes my blood pressure go up.
I tried the OP's suggestion this morning. Hmmm, seems like if you actually want a d-bag driver around they become scarce. Can I count drivers that are getting stupid with other drivers but not me? How do I score them?
I had a guy speed up from 64 mph to over 70 so I couldn't pass him, this morning.

How many points is that worth?
That's a fun game. What I love is crawling behind a bicyclist for miles on a busy two-lane road, waiting for a gap in oncoming traffic so I can overtake him, and then coming to a stop sign, at which point the bicyclist shoots up to the front and we get to start all over again.

Good times.

Ah, simple fun eh. :D I also do the same good sir.
I'm printing the game out in big type for my other half!! It may make for more peaceful driving and less arguments between us.
Well Road Rage is all far too common these days and its sad that it can be avoided if people just planned schedules better. There are a world full of crappy drivers and I make sure to be extra alert and aware because they ARE around every corner. Playing a game while driving IMO is bad to do. It distracts you from driving safely. Best bet is to ignore it and just be safe .
Well Road Rage is all far too common these days and its sad that it can be avoided if people just planned schedules better. There are a world full of crappy drivers and I make sure to be extra alert and aware because they ARE around every corner. Playing a game while driving IMO is bad to do. It distracts you from driving safely. Best bet is to ignore it and just be safe .

If you can ignore it then I totally agree with you that this is the best thing you can do. However, if like me, the sound of car horns and aggressive driving triggers an instinctive anger response then this "game" is an excellent tool for reframing that situation. IMO being furious, frustrated and mad whilst driving is much worse than playing this game. It is not a distraction game, it does not require you to seek out and spot things that take your attention from the road. It merely requires you to view things that already happen to you in a more positive light.

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