I believe it is the irony, itself, that will be interesting to watch. Richard Cheney does not seem to be able to grasp irony; he is far too concrete in his thinking.
As I recall, some of the arguments put forth after the Texas shooting ... that it was a one-time accident, which could happen to anyone, so therefore we should just wish the best for the man who was shot, let Texas Fish and Wildlife assess the fine for hunting without the proper stamp (as it was a new requirement), and move on. (Move on dot org?)
Will those arguments now seem a bit less rational when Mr. Cheney has now, twice, been involved in such a 'one-time' accident. Realizing it was once as a shootee, and once as a shooter.
My position (despite the wishes of many on this board) is that these are hunter safety issues and gun safety issues. I think gun safety issues should carry very severe, if not extreme, consequences.
And while I do not hunt, I know there are many reasons why hunting is essential in our society. The decline of hunting in this country is a bad trend, that I hope will be reversed. But, when 'accidents' such as this occur, and have limited (or no) consequence, I think it will prevent new people from investigating, learning, and practicing the activity. This will have bad consequences on open spaces and wildlife stock.
I have very high ethical standards and expectations for my fellow anglers. There is no reason to think these standards and expectations should be lowered for any citizen.