Revised Requirements as of 3/17/2006 - theory = practice = your input please...;)


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
I will post the newest version of our requirement sheets following this post. There are some major changes regarding what is considered "basics" so please have a look.

The theory behind our practice is as follows...

1. Basics are tools in a toolbox. They are techniques that are useful for self defense when they are applied to the correct context.
2. Forms are instruction manuels. They help a student learn how to apply basics in self defense situations.
3. Ill Soo Shik - drilling - is repetitive practice that helps take applications from the forms and ingrain them into memory.
4. Ho Sin Shul - asymetrical drilling - this is a semi-random process where attackers and defenders have different goals and strive for those goals. These goals are usually predetermined by the instructor. This is where we make our drills work IRL.
5. Sparring - this is a completely random process where the individuals each have their own sets of goals that they set for themselves. This is as close as we can come to really defending ourselves and still be safe.
Green Belt Requirements

General Requirements

Sound Moral Character (Respectful, Responsible, Honest, Caring) _____
One hour of practice outside of class per week _____
A willing learner and good student _____

1. Basics

Jaseh – Stances

Chung Gul Jaseh – front stance _____
Ki Mah Jaseh – horse stance _____
Hu Gul Jaseh – back stance _____
Sa Ko Rip Jaseh – open stance _____

Soo Gi – hand techniques

Closed hand striking – jab, cross, hook, uppercut, backfist, hammerfist _____
Open hand striking – Palm cross, palm rake, palm slap, knife hand _____
8 Arm parries _____

Jok ji – foot techniques

Ahp Cha Nut Gi – Front kick _____
Ahneso Pakuro Cha Gi – inside outside kick _____
Pakeso Ahnuro Cha Gi – Outside inside kick _____
Yup Podo Cha Gi – side kick _____
Dul Ryo Cha Gi – round kick _____
Yup Hu Ri Gi – Hook Kick _____
Chit Pal Gi – stomp kick _____
Moo Ruep Cha Gi – Knee Kick _____

Tuite – joint locks

Koto geye osh _____
Eekyo _____
Nikyo _____
Sankyo _____
Ude Garame _____
Ude Tori _____
The Three Deprivations _____
Three theories of Joint locking, pain compliance, throwing, breaking _____

Nage - throws

Dashi Barai _____
Sotogama _____
Hosoto Gari _____
Suquee Nage _____
Knowledge of Kusuri and Kusushi _____

Newaza – Ground work

Basic positions – superior mount, open and closed guard, rear mount, side mount _____
Escapes from the Mounted Position _____
Escapes from the guard Position _____
Striking from the ground _____

Ukemi – falls

Side fall _____
Back fall _____
Front fall _____
Roll fall _____

Kyusho – pressure points, location, direction of strike, and application

Gall bladder 20 _____
Spleen 21 _____
Bladder Strike _____
Stomach 9 _____
Stomach 5 _____
Large Intestine 18 _____
Lung 8 _____
Heart 6 _____
Stomach Plexus _____

2. Hyung

Gi Cho Hyung Ill Boo _____
Gi Cho Hyung Ee Boo _____
Gi Cho Hyung Sam Boo _____
Gi Cho Jok Ji Hyung _____
Chil Sung Ee lo _____

3. Ee An Sol Cha Gi – kicking in multiple directions

Ill Bon _____
Ee Bon _____
Sam Bon _____

4. Ill Soo Shik – Applications of the Forms

5 bunkai from strikes _____
2 bunkai from wrist grabs _____
2 bunkai from lapel grabs _____
1 bunkai from lunging grab _____

5. Ho Sin Shul – Self Defense

Demonstration of defense against random hand techniques _____
Demonstration of defense against random foot techniques _____
Proper distance, timing and control _____

6. Deh Ryun – Sparring

Demonstration of Block/Counter in Sparring Situation _____
Demonstration of one on one sparring _____
Demonstration of sparring someone of equal rank _____
Demonstration of sparring someone of higher rank _____

7. Kyok Pa – Breaking (for 16 and up)

Knowledge of how to hold a board _____
Knowledge of how to break a board _____
Two hands in succession _____
Two feet in succession _____
One hand and One Foot technique in combination _____
One Patio Tile ____

8. Breathing Exercises

Moo Pal Dan Kun (1-4) _____

9. Culture and Terminology – (in notebook)

Counting to ten in Chinese and Korean _____
Commands in Class _____
Chungle Ryu_____
Knowledge of Meridian Theory _____
Oyo, Bunkai, and Tuite _____
Knowledge of Gi Cho History _____

10. Martial Arts Research (for 16 and up)

One 2-3 page paper on the history of Korea _____
One 2-3 page paper on the history of Tang Soo Do_____

11. Testing – times arranged privately with instructor

At least twelve months has passed since last grading _____
Martial Arts Notebook _____

Red Belt Requirements

General Requirements

Sound Moral Character (Respectful, Responsible, Honest, Caring) _____
Knowledge of all lower ranked material _____
3 hours of practice outside of class per week _____
A willing learner and good student _____
Assists instructor in instruction of lower ranks _____

1. Basics


Pyung Rip Jaseh _____
Kyo Ch Rip Jaseh _____
Bom Jaseh _____

Soo Gi

Pyung Kwon Soo _____
Chung Kwon Soo_____
Yuk Soo Do Kun Kyuk _____
Pal Koop Kun Kyuk _____
Pal Koop Chi Ki _____
Ill Chi Kwon Soo_____
Dwi Kun Kyuk _____

Jok ji

Dwi Jok ji _____
Dwi Oh Jok ji _____
Du Bal Jok ji _____
Goolo Jok ji _____
Pandal Cha Gi _____
Peet Cha Gi _____
Bul Ro Mulkee _____
Toro Cha Gi_____
Ko Dan Cha Gi _____
Naeturo Cha Gi _____


Yubi Tori _____
Moro Yubi Tori _____
Ankle Lock _____
Knee Lock _____
Scarf Hold _____
Blood Choke _____
Leg Choke _____
Side Choke _____


Sheho Nage _____
Ogoshi _____
Seogoshi _____
Seonage _____
Tsurikomi Goshi _____
Harai Goshi _____
Yawara Gaeshi _____
Shooting and Sprawling _____
Single leg takedown _____
Double leg take down _____


Tuite from the ground _____
Chokes on the ground _____
The Eight Hold downs _____

Kyusho – pressure points, location, direction of strike, and application (for 16 and up)

Gall Bladder 24 ____
Lung Plexus ____
Triple Warmer 11 ____
Governor Vessel 26 ____
Triple Warmer 17 ____
Gall Bladder 31 ____
Pericardium 6 ____
Clavicle Notch ____
Liver 12 ____
Spleen 12 ____

2. Hyung

Pyung Ahn Cho Dan _____
Pyung Ahn Ee Dan _____
Pyung Ahn Sam Dan _____
Pyung Ahn Sa Dan _____
Pyung Ahn O Dan _____
Chil Sung Ill Lo _____

3. Ee An Sol Cha Gi – kicking in multiple directions

Sa Bon _____
O Bon _____
Yuk Bon _____

4. Ill Soo Shik – Applications from current forms

10 bunkai from strikes _____
2 bunkai from holds from the rear _____
2 bunkai from holds to the throat _____
1 bunkai from two person holds _____

5. Ho Sin Shul – self defense

Demonstration of defense against random grabs _____
Demonstration of defense against random grab/strikes _____
Demonstration of defense against random hand or foot technique _____
Proper Distance, timing, and control_____

6. Kyok Pa – Breaking (for 16 and up)

Two Patio Tiles _____
Series of Three consecutive hand strikes _____
Series of Two consecutive Kicks – one kick must be a jump kick _____
Dwi Cha Gi _____
Dwi Oh Cha Gi _____

7. Ground Fighting

Instinctual posture _____
Kicks from the Ground _____
Sweeps from the Ground _____
Getting back up _____

8. Deh Ryun

Demonstration of Pi – Hagi in sparring situation _____
Demonstration of sparring someone of lower rank _____
Demonstration of sparring someone of same rank _____
Demonstration of sparring someone of higher rank _____
Demonstration of Randori _____
Demonstration of submission grappling _____
Demonstration of one up, one down sparring _____

9. Breathing Exercises

Moo Pal Dan Kun (4-8) _____

10. Culture and Terminology – (in notebook)

Knowledge of the meaning of Pyung Ahn _____
Knowledge of Cycle of Creation and Destruction _____
Sun Suc Mi _____
Use of Hip _____
Knowledge of Muk Nyum _____
Knowledge of Shim Gung, Neh Gung, and Weh Gung _____
Knowledge of the Creative and Well Rounded Martial artist _____

11. Martial Arts Research (for 16 and up)

One 2-3 page paper on the Hwa-rang _____
One 2-3 page paper on the influence of Bohdidarma on martial arts _____

12. Testing – times arranged privately with instructor

At least twelve months has passed since last grading _____
Martial Arts Notebook _____
Brown Belt Requirements

General Requirements

Sound Moral Character (Respectful, Responsible, Honest, Caring) _____
Knowledge of all lower ranked material _____
4 hours of practice outside of class per week _____
A willing learner and good student _____
All Red Belt students are qualified as assistant instructors _____

1. Basics


Han Bal Seo Kee _____
Choi Jaseh _____

Soo Gi

Son Mahk Deung Mahkee_____
Son Mahk Deung Kun Kyuk _____
Yuk Jin Kun Kyuk_____
Yoo Kwan ____
Il Chee Kwan _____
Dragon Fist _____
Hubbad _____

Jok ji

Double Jok ji _____
Dwi oh Dwi Jok Ji _____
Ee Dan Jok Ji _____
Chirumyo Cha Gi _____
Forward Iron Broom Sweep _____
Backward Iron Broom Sweep _____


Joint lock flow _____
Fluid Lock application _____


Tai o Toshi _____
Tomi Nage _____
Kane Sute _____


Pressure points on the ground _____
Tension and relaxation on the ground _____
Hold Flow _____
Weapons on the ground _____


Heart 1 ____
Heart 2 ____
Lung 1 ____
Lung 2 ____
Gall Bladder Plexus ____
Kidney 1____
Pericardium 8 ____
Kidney 1 ____
Bladder 41 ____

2. Hyung

Bassai Dai _____
Bassai Sho _____
Chil Sung Sam Ro _____
Nai Han Chi Cho Dan _____
Creative Hyung _____

3. Ee An Sol Cha Gi

Chil Bon _____
Pal Bon _____
Cu Bon _____

4. Ill Soo Shik – Applications of the Current Forms

20 bunkai from strikes and grabs and throws _____

5. Ho Sin Shul

Defense against any random technique _____
Empty hand defense against random knife attacks _____
Empty hand defense against random stick attacks _____
Proper Distance, timing, and control _____

6. Kyok Pa – Breaking (for 16 and up)

Three Patio Tiles _____
Yuk Jin Kun Kyuk _____
Speed Break _____
Dwi Oh Dwi Cha Gi _____
Flying Du Bal Cha Gi _____
Ee An Sol Cha Gi Cu Bon (4 stations 2 boards each) _____

7. Stick Defense

Sinawalli – standard, heaven, earth, and redondo _____
Strikes 1-12 and defenses _____
Hand Switches _____
Male and female triangle footwork _____
Unig Zyow Hyung _____
Kun Tao _____
Carenza _____
Disarms _____

8. Knife defense

Five Terrors_____
Palm Stick Set _____
Ice Pick Set_____
Forward Grip Set _____
Disarms _____
Knife Tapping _____

9. The Cane

Parts of Cane and uses _____
Cane form _____
Applications to the form _____

10. Deh Ryun

Demonstration of Stop Hit in Deh Ryun _____
Demonstration of entering and trapping _____
Demonstration of Sparring against lower ranks _____
Demonstration of Sparring against same rank _____
Demonstration of sparring against higher rank _____
Demonstration of open technique sparring _____
Da Soo in Deh Ryun _____
Tanto in Deh Ryun _____

11. Breathing Exercises

First apparent closing of Yang Lu Chan Hyung _____

12. Culture and Terminology – (in notebook)

Knowledge of light force knockouts and revival techniques _____
Knowledge of the textbook nature of Hyung _____
Knowledge of Meridian elements _____
Knowledge of Diurnal Cycle _____
Knowledge of Yin (soft) and Yang (hard) in striking _____
Knowledge of good teaching practice _____
Knowledge of basic first aid _____
Knowledge of laws concerning the use of force _____
Knowledge of the Creative and Well Rounded Martial artist _____

13. Martial Arts Research (for 16 and up)

One 2-3 page paper on Shoalin monastery _____
One 2-3 page paper on Dao of Jeet Kune Do by Bruce Lee_____
One 2-3 page paper on The Five Rings by Myamoto Musashi_____
One 2-3 page paper on how training in another martial art has affected your martial arts growth _____

14. Testing – times arranged privately with instructor

At least twenty four months has passed since last grading _____
Martial Arts Notebook _____

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