"reverse chain punch"

i'm not shure if i find that idea amusing or interesting.

Sweet Brighit Bless your Blade,

coungnhuka said:
i'm not shure if i find that idea amusing or interesting.

Sweet Brighit Bless your Blade,

Perhaps both?
possibly, with just a hint of disturbed to add flavor, lol.
ohh and you guys are getting REALLY off topic. nothin' nothin', just saying.
coungnhuka said:
terms are in english. So I'm not really sure what the following terms mean: chil yeung. If one of you guys could give me a translation, or a basic discription that would be great.

Sweet Brighit Bless your Blade,

Just an fyi.

Chil Yeung is a contonese word, meaning facing your opponent/partner when practicing chi sau, Yeung is actually from the ying/yang, yeung=yang depends on how they pronounce it. In another words facing the Sun, Sun in English is yang in Chinese=male. Ying=female & yang=male.
I think it is a good idea, and should work. Keep playing with it. I'll give it a try myself on my classmates