Results from Knee Surgery


Senior Master
I went in today, went under general. I woke up a few hours later feeling absolutely horrible. However, what the said was..."Your left knee is the worst we've ever seen for someone under 75."

They did say however that they did a lot of cleaning, snipping, repacking. So the good news is I have a 10x12 4 layer mat to stretch out on beginning Monday, the bad news is....No Tae kwon Do until after the first week of Feb.

The good news is I have had nothing but the utmost support from friends and family. When talking to dad I told him that all was ok as it should be and I was happy to hear that I would be able continuing studies soon. He said, "You are already a Master in my book so don't you worry about that, furthermore believe it or not we old fat black belts talk and you are good with younger students and your peers. That is hard to do and a talent hard to come by."

GM and his wife called and wished me the utmost speedy recovery. GM said they did my share of calestenics, kicking and reps of hapkido last night and will continue to do so until I get back.

A buddy of mine since high school, Aaron...A BBJ student that has his two sons in MSK:TKD is coming for the weekend, through Monday. He called, asked if I was on my way home. I answered yep, he said he had to pack his dog in the truck and he was on his way.

A couple of classmates from St. L school have called already and said "You always helped us in class, so since your down now we have no choice but bring the MMA and Van Damme DVD's, see you tomorrow at 10 am."

Of course the most important is the support my wife has, is and will be giving me over the next few weeks with this weekend being the hardest, no mobility option so its going to be harder for her. Aaron said, "Your wife has always been cool to me for the last decade and a half so it is time to return the favor."

So, I guess this trying to be nice to people is a good thing. I have always said "Kindness repays kindness". It is just humbling to see it for me.

You guys have all been supportive, as I have tried to do for others on the board as well, that is what MAer's do.





Glad to hear things are turning out well...

Sounds like you'll be working on your mental martial arts for a bit... enjoy!

Also good to hear what a strong support network you have on the homefront...

Best regards...

Your Brother in the arts,



Glad to hear things are turning out well...

Sounds like you'll be working on your mental martial arts for a bit... enjoy!

Also good to hear what a strong support network you have on the homefront...

Best regards...

Your Brother in the arts,


Andrew said it best..I cannot add anything else except heal quickly my friend..
Hi Matt---weird, I wrote you yesterday and was sure I'd posted my note, but apparently not—I guess I just previewed it and then thought I'd posted it... anyway, you're past the worst part of it—the crappy feeling coming out of general. It's too bad about the enforced rest, but again—less than a month—not too bad, that's the great part about this kind of nuts-and-bolts surgery, it's often much shorter recovery time than when it's a simple fracture and you have to wait forever for the bone to start to set before you can do much. We're already almost at the middle of January—you'll be up and kicking before you know it.

Trying to think what I'd do in your place... I'd calculate how much physical training time a week I'm missing, then use that many hours reading MA stuff that I'd been meaning to get to but hadn't been able to. That way, I figure, you're still getting training in (seriously, if the visualization stuff I'd heard about is accurate—that vividly imagining hyung performance and application, or SD scenarios, actually contributes to automatic response and muscle memory even though you aren't performing the actions in real time). And when you get back on your feet, you can feel virtuous about using the time `off' for MA purposes!

Anyway, my friend, heal quickly! :)
Guys, I have been watching poomse videos, mma videos, movies, sleeping, watching more poomse videos followed by mma shows. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. I watched Pride and UFC dvds with my pal and helped set up his new laptop to be ship shape.

Thanks for all you warm wishes of speedy recovery. I have been entertaining my wife, pal, my doggie and his schnausser. I have been playing a ton of UFC:Sudden Impact and Tekken 5, mixed in with some kill.switch.

I boned up on entertainment for the past few weeks so no work till Tuesday....I am anxious to get back to training but I am smart enough to know that slow and steady certainly wins this way.

Again, thank you all very much for the warm wishes.

Here's wishing you a speedy recovery and that your knees will be better than ever!

Take care, Matt
I woke up this morning wondering how you were doing, Matt and I am glad to see that things are on their way up.

You are certainly a lucky fellow to have all the love and support surrounding you and making your recovery even easier.

Take is slow and easy and keep us informed of your progress.

:) Lisa
Glad to hear that the surgery went OK,Matt. Take care and heal up. I'm sure you'll be back on the mat in no time. Just remember you'll always have a built-in "Hapkidoin support group" right here on MT.:ultracool

Pil Sung, brother.

sir you have my best wishes. I too underwent an knee operation. This was a couple years back now, I was very worried, but I am back now stronger than ever. rehab, don't slack on it and take it step by step.

Best of luck to you and hang in there!
