In several areas of tkd there may be no "right" answer. Two experienced tkdists may give very different answers, but both may be correct. I learn most things from talking to experienced tkdists, but in certain other areas that may not be the case. At one point I was very interested in the "stretching and sports science " side of tkd and I spoke to a lot of high ranking tkdists in search of answers. In the end the most accurate information I got was from a 5th gup student who has degrees in sports medicine, pysiotherapy etc. I aslo received the best advice on sparring from a guy who was 1st gup, but had years of fighting and sparring experience behind him in many other arts and had fought professionally. My instructor who has over 150 students and has run his class full time for over 30 years comes to me for business advice for running his schools because of my many years of business experience, and Im only a first dan. Listen to experienced people but dont completely discount the information you receive from less experienced practitioners.