Renzo Gracie live tweets through an attempted mugging


Black Belt
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Not sure how old this is or if it was posted already. Should open some discussion.

Renzo Gracie is one of the greatest fighters to ever walk the planet, and a ferocious tweeter. The two past times combined last night on the still occasionally mean streets of NY.
This time though, the streets were mean for the bad guys.
It started after 3:00 am early this Friday Morning.
Renzo_Gracie_BJJ ‏@RenzoGracieBJJ
22nd street and 10th ave right now two guys following me, can't help but have a big smile upon my face Im talking about a happy one ;-))))
Waiting for them... Are they really thinking I'm drunk??? They have to be kidding. Hahahaha
25th and 10ave ;-) they are getting closer lol ;-)
Ijust stop to take a pic, they pretend they are looking at the window, can't lie... My blood runs in a different speed, man I miss Brazil
JiuJitsu ;-))) never leave home without it ;-)

Please hold there for just a couple minutes ;-) be right back
They are coming closer, asking for a cigaret ;-) lol can't help but have a smile in my face. I don't smoke. Pretend to wobble. They smile
Then there was a break in the Twitter feed for 15 minutes or so.
My hands hurt... Can't help but look at him the other one took off running, not much of a friend. Chicken :-/ I can still see him, he looks Back as he runs, no chance to catch him... Even though I began to try to run after him, I realize How slow I was. **** it :-///
This one asks me why did I do that, pretending to be stupid, one little kick to the ribs makes him whine and apologize, as I'm writing this.
I ask him if he was planing to rob me, he says no. All he wanted was a cigarette, lol I can't help but have a big smile upon my face, and .. The certainty that if it was an ordinary man he would be sad about his stolen goods. ****ing c--- cries like a ***** when the tide turns..
I can't help but take a pic as his nose bleeds and he wines and asks why did I do that... Like he doesn't know the reason...
My ****ing hands hurt, hurt like hell...

Drove around two blocks... The other fellow disappear, I'm heading home... Angry for not finding the second one. Guess no sleeping tonight.
I knew it ;-) yessss
Then there was another break, of about 30 minutes. It seems Renzo finally found bad guy #2.
There is basic things like you don't come back to where the problem was.. You just don't, I knew he would, just going around the block would Be enough... Dumb f%#^ I just gave him the old style Raccoon, it has been a while since the last time I did.. Choke him out 3 times...
And before he woke up I did hit each eye socket at least twice, tomorrow he will wake up like a raccoon, and every time he woke up I was... Whispering at his ears.. That's what death feels like it.. Don't do that again. My ****ing hand hurts, :-/ a lot

Next time I will use only the elbows, damn I miss that feeling, sometimes I wonder if the easy life has been making me Soft. All those years in Brazil, without knowing if I would make it home had to count for something, I can't lie I could have jump in a cab But I could not help, I could spot them from a mile away, walking was my option, thank you mayor Giuliani, nobody carries a gun in our Beautiful state, my lucky day, their bad day My hand hurts and @FrankieEdgar is here at 9:30am for some training, shoot damn little guy
Could not take a second pic guys sorry, believe I try, as I reach for my iPhone he almost took off :-/ fast mofo
@lucaatalla my brother calling you tomorrow to tell you some great stories, on the level of the ones in the Sydney Olympics in Australia when those Aborigines try to rob you by the train station near the Brazilian House ;-)

I think it happened yesterday. My concern us that he might very well have documented assault. I am a fan so I hope not.

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My concern us that he might very well have documented assault.

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My thoughts too. I come from the school of "keep your trap shut". Hope it doesn't turn ugly for him.

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The people may have attempted to rob him but according to Gracie's own words "followed 3 blocks to ask for a cigarette" for all we know they just happen to be going the same direction and when he turned around to face them they might have attempted to start a conversation by asking for a cigarette. Based on Gracie's tweets before the incident occurred "big smile, waiting for them, jujutsu never leave home without it." looks like he has premeditated striking them at least by his own testimony.
But what we do not know is what happen in the 15 minutes of silence and if they really did try to rob him or not or who tried to strike who first.

Now Gracie could have called the police and filed a report after the incident which would help his case or he could just leave and go home but he decides to find the other guy and "punched him at least twice in each eye and choked him out three times." Again this person was running away the threat if there was one to begin with is over, now Gracie is the aggressor. It was really stupid to tweet about this and have the potential to incriminate yourself.

I think to avoid situations like this don't go walking around at 3am and don't post things online that may incriminate yourself.
Yeah I'm not so sure I would've tweeted about all of that. I hope that they don't try to use those tweets as evidence if that guy decides to file charges.
If that story is even halfway true and he's not just playing around he could be in deep deep trouble had to justify self defense when you admit to choking a guy out 3 times and punching him in the face while he's out cold and taunting him in his ear while your doing it
If that story is even halfway true and he's not just playing around he could be in deep deep trouble had to justify self defense when you admit to choking a guy out 3 times and punching him in the face while he's out cold and taunting him in his ear while your doing it

This is why Batman wears a mask. If Renzo wants to keep on beating and tweeting, he needs a "secret identity". :wink:
Well, now he did an interview about it.

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This isn't the kind of attitude I respect in the martial arts community. I certainly have lost some respect for the man.
This isn't the kind of attitude I respect in the martial arts community. I certainly have lost some respect for the man.

I am inclined to think this may have been a publicity stunt. First, I agree with Makalakumu if it is true, or even if he is only implying truth. We tend to think MA should not react that way; stalking in reverse.

Not even so much not taking evasive action before hand. Maybe until they approached, no evasive action he thought prudent, presented itself. But if it did, how foolish not to take it rather than the possibility of facing two gun-armed opponents?

His actions in clearly assulting the two men after they were no longer a threat, does not speak well of his art or himself in my opinion. Especially, as noted above, in pursueing the second man who had run away.

Also, I don't know much about MMA, and only that which I would assume would be the same between JiuJitsu and Hapkido. I would not expect to injure my hands the way he did against an unarmed opponent. If I did, I sure wouldn't brag about it. If I am wrong about Jiujitsu, I hope some Jiujitsu practioners will correct me.

Just my thoughts.
My impression is that this is really a cultural thing-it's not about martial art, or jiujitsu.

Renzo's gonna find out just how much he isn't in Brazil any more.If this story is true, and one of the "muggers" comes forward to identify himself as a victim, he's gonna see real quickly that he's in New York.......
My impression is that this is really a cultural thing-it's not about martial art, or jiujitsu.

Renzo's gonna find out just how much he isn't in Brazil any more.If this story is true, and one of the "muggers" comes forward to identify himself as a victim, he's gonna see real quickly that he's in New York.......

Exactly. You might be able to get away with it in Rio, but New York is...different.

Aside from the fact that this is clear douchebag behavior.
thank you mayor Giuliani, nobody carries a gun in our Beautiful state, my lucky day, their bad day

I would be surprised if this wasn't a publicity stunt.

I would be surprised if this wasn't a publicity stunt.

Those were my thoughts exactly...

Just beacuse there are anti-Gun laws doesn't mean that the bad guys are going to follow said laws.

Based on his own twitter--Renzo should be in prison, period. He should also be barred from teaching Martial Arts, and any competitive sport.

Renzo is a criminal and a thug if this is true. It also sounds like such a reckless disregard for human life that he could have been convicted of Murder had the guy died. I hope the victims find the tweet and have the DA press charges.

I can't even express how disgusting this is, it's the ultimate breach of the warriors code or whatever you call it.

If I ever run into Renzo I'll tell him the same, he has no business in the Martial Arts anymore or in civilized society.

Karma is a bit#$, perhaps he will attempt to attack someone who has enough training and/or a weapon equalizer and give him a taste of his own medicine.


EDIT: I was so disgusted I emailed Renzo / his contact for his school:

"Dear Renzo,

I wanted to make you aware of a link discussing your tweet if you care, which you probably don't.


Additionally, I just wanted to drop you a note as a fellow martial arts instructor that your tweet, if true, makes you a criminal who has no business teaching the martial arts. You have countless people who look up to you and your family, and you have set a bad example for them all.

You are a disgrace to us all. I recently handled a two attacker situation, and nobody got hurt, they also got up and came at me twice. The more trained you are, the easier it is to control, rather than hurt. You are a predator, shame on you, I hope your fan base drops significantly.

I hope your example doesn't lead to anyone else getting hurt, life is too short, after two wars I realize that even more.


Gary Romel, Esq.
Cell: 310-594-1748 "

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