Remembered Smells

Wood smoke (makes me remember camping as a kid and renaissance fairs :) )

Old Books/Library

Whatever perfume my 3rd grade teacher wore. I loved her and was instantly flooded with memories of her when I smelled that same perfume on someone nearly 20 years later.

Clean sheets

Bondo--my dad used to do woodcarve a lot when I was a kid.

Grandparents--not sure how to describe it--not like "old people", more like the dry cleaners as both sets of grandparents always smelled the same.

Sweaty gi's and mats
Wet pavement during a sudden summer shower, Honeysuckle, newspaper, burning leaves, wd40, fresh cut wood, freshly turned earth, summer night air, new leather, anything baking, coffee brewing, bacon frying, popcorn being popped, and the smell of the ocean.
There's a Folger's plant down the street from where I work. In the morning the whole area smells like roasting coffee. mmmmm
the old peppermint candy my grandfather use to have..smelled like a strong version of Pepto
fresh cut grass
baking bread
freshly turned soil on a hot summer day
the dusty warm smell of a cat's fur
old books mixed with earl grey tea
sheets fresh from a clothesline
There's a Folger's plant down the street from where I work. In the morning the whole area smells like roasting coffee. mmmmm

I grew up in Golden, Colorado. Drove past the Coors brewery on my way to High School. I mean literally; I lived in Applewood and had to drive through a tunnel in the brewery on 32nd Avenue into Golden city limits. Yes, that was some smell.
I still remember the smell of the Brand new casette tape of Aerosmith Permanent Vacation from the late 80s when I opened it.

I remember the smell of the Firestorm here in San Diego a several years ago when I sat on my patio and could see flames on the hills south , west, and north of my house

I remember the smell of my sons breath when he had a horrible cold two years ago.

I remember the smell of blood from a huge fight I was in almost 20 years ago..

I have alot of smells remembered, most are rather specific and are engrained with sound, and sight and touch as well...
San Francisco Chinatown= Roast Duck + Incense + Cigarettes + Old Shop Must + Fish + Dirt + More Cigarettes + Stir Fried Garlic + Deep Fried You Tiao

I didn't grow up in San Francisco. I'm actually from Los Angeles, but those collective smells remind me of good times visiting my relatives during summer or spring. And as soon as I take a whiff of it all, I feel at home :)
There are places I've been that the smell was, unique. A gaming shop in Rochester NY had the most memorable "whiffyness".

Nothing beats memories of camping as a kid, pine logs burning that special scent. I miss my youth.
Granpa and Mae's house
Dad's shop with it's myriad (and dangerous) chemicals and metals scattered about.
Burning oil from a truck needing a ring or valve job
That odd coffee brand Mom always got Dad from the Commissary
Smell of money (my parents used to stash it when I was a kid).

Cap guns after being fired (played Lone Ranger).

Cheap plastic halloween masks (I dressed up either as Batman or Spiderman).

Fresh cut grass.

Wood smoke (doing partner work with rattan sticks reminds me of this as well).

Escape for women perfume.

Roses (my mom had a rose garden).

Sweet Olive Tree.



Smell of old paperback books.

Smell of tobacco in a pipe.

The beach and open ocean waters (salty tang, my dad loved to go fishing).

The mountains (mixture of pinewood, fresh cut grass, camp fire).

Clothes fresh off the clothes line.

The smell after a hard rainstorm.
snow, when you can smell it coming on the air before it comes - great winter smell :)
garages that have motorcycles in them, another blast from the past
Exhaust from a two-stroke motorcycle.

Grandpa's old empty cigar boxes.

The smell of that sawdust-type stuff the janitor put down in the school hallways after some kid horked.

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