Remember When.....

Yep. I had a powder blue ten-speed bike (don't remember who made it) when I was a kid, and thought that the handlebar was the coolest thing. :supcool:

Do you remember learning BASIC in school, and writing funny loops about your teachers (e.g., "Sister Carmela is a white slip addict")?
Swordlady said:
Do you remember learning BASIC in school, and writing funny loops about your teachers (e.g., "Sister Carmela is a white slip addict")?
BASIC, and later Pascal on an Apple IIe (but I didn't have any nuns to pick on).

Remember when it wasn't cool to be a computer geek?
Not only did I learn BASIC, but when I moved to another state, I knew more than the teacher in my next class... which, in retrospect, wasn't saying much! As far as the penmanship practice goes, I had managed to block that out.

Do you remember when blue jeans were cheap, and not fashion statements?
Kreth said:
Remember when it wasn't cool to be a computer geek?

Oh yes...I was named the "Computer Wiz" of my 8th grade class - and I don't think it was meant to be a compliment. ;)

Do you remember when kids actually went outside to play with friends, as opposed to chatting with several dozen "acquaintances" on IM for hours?
Kacey said:
Do you remember when blue jeans were cheap, and not fashion statements?
Except for Jordache, you mean? :lol:

Remember when corduroy pants and velour shirts were cool? :xtrmshock
Swordlady said:
Do you remember when kids actually went outside to play with friends, as opposed to chatting with several dozen "acquaintances" on IM for hours?

Oh yes. I definitely remember that. :)

And speaking of gas prices higher up in the thread...I am no longer a smoker but I know how much they cost now, and I remember them being a quarter a pack and being outraged, yes outraged when they went up to 50 cents. lol
Kreth said:
Yep. What about parachute pants?

Forget them? How could I - they are in the hamper from yesterday! :)

Remember putting baseball cards in you bike spokes?
HKphooey said:
Remember putting baseball cards in you bike spokes?

My gosh! Yes! And many bikes now can't do that....

Remember when if you did something bad in the neighorhood, the neighbors took care of you right there and told your parents instead of just calling in the cops?
Not me, I never did anything wrong. :uhyeah:

Remember wrap-around pants?
Remember when your parent's being angry at you was the worst thing you could think of?
Lisa said:
Remember when your parent's being angry at you was the worst thing you could think of?
Yep, my dad beat me with a list of things that would make a serial killer drool... :uhyeah:

Remember when teenagers had respect for adults and would never, EVER tell one to "**** off!"

I wonder if the two are related? :idunno:
Kreth said:
Yep, my dad beat me with a list of things that would make a serial killer drool... :uhyeah:

Remember when teenagers had respect for adults and would never, EVER tell one to "**** off!"

I wonder if the two are related? :idunno:

I think it's quite likely, myself...

Remember when the words "super size" weren't in the general vocabulary?
Remember when Cracker Jack gave you cool prizes inside the box?

Same with cereal? Baking Soda Submarines and scubadivers.
Swordlady said:
Do you remember when kids actually went outside to play with friends, as opposed to chatting with several dozen "acquaintances" on IM for hours?

Yes, and do you remember when you could get a group of kids together for a good game of baseball in the nearby field, and there were no parents hovering around cheering/bragging, argueing, and keeping player stats?