Regisitering yourself to the authorities

Kittan Bachika

Purple Belt
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
I have often heard stories where teachers require their students to go the police station to register themselves as lethal weapons because they are so dangerous. I think it is just
a bunch of rumors.

But I do know that some schools give ID cards for their schools. Tehre was one story where a student was doing techniques with a weapon and a cop spotted that student and teh studnet showed off him his school ID and the cop knew that the school was legit and that student was not a thug.

Has anyone registered themselves to the police?
I just don't think this is necessary. My feeling are to live the life with the values you are being taught in your MS school, and this should suffice.
freedom from self-incrimination - the civil right (guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution) to refuse to answer questions or otherwise give testimony against yourself...
Okay, I'll say's an urban myth that one has to register yourself or your hands and feet as lethal weapons. I think it would amuse those in the police stations though.
Okay, I'll say's an urban myth that one has to register yourself or your hands and feet as lethal weapons. I think it would amuse those in the police stations though.

Many martial arts students today would get beat up shadow boxing. There is nothing lethal about the majority of martial arts taught today, especially in America.
Only if I were a convicted sex offender.
If you fail to register your hands and feet as lethal weapons, can the police confiscate them?
And after they are registered you have to have a serial number tattooed on them. Make sure you tell any cop you run across that you are registered as a lethal weapon.BTW That was sarcasm.
WOW haven't heard this one brought up in a few years.

In my country today beset by millions of illegal invaders, millions of unregistered guns on the streets, urban gang-bangers, outlaw biker gangs, increasingly violent foreign narco-terrorist drug cartels - I really don't think the local COPS priority is focused on when Jeremy and Heather get their first-degree kurroytee black belts and therefore become newly minted "deadly weapons". :eek:

This urban myth has some basis in historical fact - but its genesis was only within certain policies of the US Armed Forces during the post-WWII occupation of Japan (1945-1952) - when the Allied forces were focused on the pacification, demilitarization and democratization of just defeated Imperial Japan and the transformation of Japanese society.
Since certain traditional martial artists/organizations in pre-war Japan were linked with the ultra-nationalistic militarists/movements it was an obvious area of concern for General MacArthur & his minions.
When you put on shoes, does that mean you need a concealed weapons license?
Okay, I'll say's an urban myth that one has to register yourself or your hands and feet as lethal weapons. I think it would amuse those in the police stations though.
I agree. I think your seniors (if that's where you're getting this) are having fun with you. Schools may give out IDs for all sorts of reason - access to the facility, membership discounts, etc.
Want to see a cop laugh?
Ask him where you go to register your hands.

Want to see a politician get a stiffy?
Ask him how much the fee is to register your hands.

Want to see a liar backpedal?
Ask the guy who said he did register, what form he used and for a copy of the permit.

All that said and agreed with, the one time I had a real world fight in adult life I went straight to the police station to report it. Because I'd made a bit of a mess of a couple of the attackers (and was a bit shaken up by it to be honest) I passed on that I was 'trained'. The police did ask to see my license (as I was presenting it anyhow), showing that the urban myth is not totally mythical (or that it even afflicts officers of the law), but I think that was just a reflex on their part.
I think a learner's permit is a prerequisite. THEN the registration is necessary. Otherwise you'll have to warn everyone you know karate before you defend yourself. Or so I've been told.
Its obviously an urban legend, but Im sure if you do beat someone up and their lawyer finds out you are 'trained', then Im certain it will be used against you in a court of law. Its quite ironic really, if you walked into a police staion to register yourself as a martial artist they would laugh at you, yet if you actually beat someone up they'd be the first to use the fact your a martial artist against you.
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