Orange Belt
I smoked for over 10 years and have been smoke free for 5 months or so now. I honestly don't even think about it anymore. The thing that people miss is that YOU CAN ONLY QUIT IF YOU WANT TO. I simply did it cold turkey, no patches, no gum , etc...... It is all in your mind that you need one. That is what it all boils down to. It is not a chemical addiction , it is a mental addiction. Just liek having a cup of coffee in the morning, or if you get up and jog 2 miles every morning and can't break the habit. LOL It is all about changing your routine. If the first thing you do in the morning is have a coffee and a smoke , then wait until you get to work to have the coffee and have it at your desk. That way you can't smoke while you drink it. You need to change your patterns. If you have a g/f or wife that smokes, then get them to quit too!!! Friends that smoke ? Just politely ask them to not smoke around you until you can break your habit.
Just remember , you have to want it. Otherwise any other reason you come up with is just a excuse.
I wanted to quit. So I did. It sucked but what also helped was thinking of how much money I saved and how I could use it to buy more training gear!