Reflecting back on 2007, the good, the bad and the ugly...


Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
a happy place
What has 2007 brought to you and what are your hopes for the New Year?

2007 for me has brought lots of joy and some sorrow. At the beginning of the year I lost my Dad whom fought a good fight after a quintuple bypass. Shortly thereafter it my daughter won the bronze medal in shooting at the Canada Winter Games at the age of 12. Her father and I were so proud.

The year has brought many ups and a few downs. Relationships have changed, kids have matured and my family still drives me nuts. All in all however, I think it was a good year for me personally.

My hopes for the New Year are simple. Continue in my job that I love so much. Watch my family grow. See my daughter graduate high school and go off to university and then deal with her not being at home :( ;)

How about everyone else?
Relationships have changed, kids have matured and my family still drives me nuts.
Well, at least it was a short trip.:wink2:

With the exception of some work related problems this past year has been pretty good to me. The family is healthy, training is going well and my 7 year old began training this fall. I've grown a lot as an individual. I'll take the new year as I took this past day at a time.
Well, at least it was a short trip.:wink2:


I forgot one thing and it should go without saying but just in case anyone isn't sure, just remember it will still be all...


This past year has tought me alot about myself, had afew hard health problems that I have learned to deal with though friends and family. Lost one of my original instructor though his death I learn how to bcome humble to all.

The kids are growing up and my oldest his on his way to the Junior National Team. My middle has found the love for music and the youngest has finally found himself.

To everyone beliefs we have found it is Lisa fault and she still is a Ray of Sunshine to alot of us here on MT, if not for some of the great folks here, I do not know where i would be in my journey, but for you my journey will always be filled with joy. I would like to say thank you all for the past year and looking forward to a better 2008.
Overall 2007 was an average year for me....
I was on a bit of a journey of self discovery after learning about a medical condition that pulled together various symptoms I have.
I transferred to a new job within the same company, though was unable to pull off a move to a new location I wanted.
My parents both were sick at times, my mother is still recovering. My sister lost her job at Thanksgiving. An aunt also had a stroke.
Some ups, some downs but I am probably doing better than most....