Redfield Martial Arts @ NC TSD State Championships


Yellow Belt
Redfield Martial Arts represented the Tang Soo Do Mi Guk Kwan this weekend at the 9th NC TSD State Championships in Fayetteville NC, hosted by San Kil TSD, with special guest GM Song Ki Kim

Redfield Martial Arts fielded 32 Competetors for this event, ages 4-40
(we have 62 members)

The Talley is in:
46 medals for Redfield Martial Arts:
6 Gold Medals
17 Silver Medals
18 Bronze Medals
5 4th
26 Medals were for Sparring
20 Medals were for Forms
1 Gold was for Forms
5 Gold were for Sparring

6 Silver were for Forms
11 Silver were for Sparring
10 Bronze were for Forms
8 Bronze were for Sparring
3 4th for Forms
2 4th for Sparring

I am beyond happy with the results, this was a first tournament for many of my students, they all kicked A**

SBN Redfield, :high5:

Congratulations to you and your students on the championship!

Good to see the Mi Guk Kwan represented strong!

Keep up the WHAK standard!


Your Brother,

SBN Mike Tabone
I am happy to see that you and your students are doing well. You are an excellent example of Tang Soo Do and the Mi Guk Kwan!!!

My best to you and yours.

Good luck in Texas next month as well!!!

How are you doing?

All the best,

Master Jay S. Penfil


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