I believe the claim that red light cameras cause accidents is based on 2 situations. The first is where people now stop too short and people following (too) close behind rear end them. The second is where cities significantly cut down yellow light time in order to increase the number of violations - in places where this is true, it convincingly shows that profit is the motive, not safety.
I despise these things..... though their use does not infringe the Constitution, they certainly run contrary to the spirit of the Revolution, It is difficult to imagine that the Founders, complaining King George had "sent a swarm of officers to harass our people and eat out ther substance", would approve of these infernal machines.
Partnering cash greedy cities with cash greedy corporations is a formula for an Amerika I don't care for. The average folks get sponged while the actual bad guys run wild and free. Recently, we have seen multiple instances here where people are still out driving after dozens of unlicensed operations and up to 9 prior DWI convictions..... yet I'm supposed to believe these governments care soooooo much about my family's safety? Sure.
I'd buy this except for 2 reasons:
In city traffic, when you are moving slow, (say 30 or less) you generally do not leave 2 car lengths between vehicles. I never see it done, at least for long, because if you do, people pull in and cut you off. You can generally judge that when the light turns yellow, based on the flow of traffic that the car in front of you will go thru or stop based on when the yellow appeared, and you act accordingly. If they act unpredicatbly and either stop suddenly when it appears they were going to proceed or if they short-stop well behind the line to avoid triggering the cameras (which I admit I am guilty of, having seen a number trigger even when vehicles wheels are behind the line) then their behavior has become erratic and harder to judge.
The second reason... it has increased the number of vehicle-to-pedestrian collisions at intersections they have been installed at. That can't have anything to do with following too closely.
Plus, my big beef with them is has been mentioned on several occasions: Cities are short-timing their yellow lights to increase violations at these intersections, and the claims that these cameras are for saftey has been proven in numerous independent studies across the U.S. (including the ones in AZ and our local Suburb of Schaumburg: both places that pulled the cameras based on their findings) to be fabricated.
Now... Chicago uses Crime Cams and Gunshot detection systems and I have no beef with those. And FWIW, I'm not even all that opposed to the Speed Ticket cams they use on the expressways.
If they are in fact shortening the yellow, just for the sake of getting extra $$$, then IMO, thats wrong. Regarding the accidents, well, I'll admit that I dont leave the 'required' distance all the time, but IMO, I think that its passing the buck, if we solely blame the cameras for the crashes. I mean, thats kinda like seeing the "Caution: Wet Floor" signs, and still being careless. If you land on your ***, people blame the store, yet what about the person who ran in, disregarding the sign? I dont want to drag this off track, by talking about wet floors..lol...but its the same thing here...if someone crashes, well, why did they crash? Could they have done something to prevent that crash?
Regarding the car vs. pedestrian accidents...I work in a city that is home to a University. On any given Thur, Fri or Sat. night, I see some dumb *** ****. These kids, who're supposed to have something in their head, besides a pea, dont think anything of walking right in front of you, while you're turning. They assume that the driver will stop. IIRC, the driver has the right of way as long as the ped. is not already in the cross walk. So, these dumbasses, see me in the process of turning and walk in front of me. Were I to hit them, its their fault. Keep in mind, I'm not trying to hit them, and of course I do stop, and yell a few things out the window

, but again, people need to use common sense. I say this, because every time I go to NYC, once that walk sign changes from walk to do not walk, the cars go..and God help you if you're in the road. LOL.