Red Dragon Karate

QUI-GON said:
How would it be rated for effectiveness in self defense?
Well in my opinion, any art's effectiveness is left up to the practicioner. Of course with any traditional karate system, unless the instructor has made any modifications to it, it will mostly stress the basics. The basics of blocking, kicking, and punching. Then of course they have their kata training, as well as kumite training, but in a more traditional sense than say open tournament style sparring. In other words, they may only use a cotton set of gloves, mouth piece, and groin protection versus all the foam gear like many dojos have you purchase.

Again in terms of effectiveness self defense wise, that to me all depends on the number of years practiced, the age group and what is stressed during class. For you kids, 5 and 6, I'm sure the program would meet the needs of children of that age group. For example, balance, coordination, disipline, respect, and confidence. They would then progress from that point. Many kids program would also have things such as "stranger danger" implemented and such. These would be some of the things to find out regarding any kids martial arts program.

If any child is able to avoid an "abduction" type situation by remembering something from a "stranger danger" program, or by a quick kick to the shin of a would-be assailant, wouldn't that be considered effective self defense?

Unlike the Kenpo arts, or San Soo for that matter Shito-Ryu may not have a set of self defense techniques that are specific attacks, but that doesn't mean that they wouldn't address it. So like anything else, the effectiveness of one's art is up to that individual in my opinion. When it comes to kids a strong foundation in the basics is needed just like anyone else ;)
Very good information. Thank you.

I want my boys to have fun with Martial Arts regardless of the style or system they/I choose for them. If they find that they want to participate in tournaments, that would be fine with me. But I would also want them to have good self defense skills at their disposal as well. I'd really hate to see them with a false sense of security.
Flying Crane said:
Right-o. Well, I guess I've expressed my impression of his website, if they are still around and wish to comment further, I'll leave it to them.

Sorry it's taken a while to respond. Former student here, left on bad terms.

Simply put, Ron went insane (imo). Started getting conspiracy theories about his top students were trying to take over the school. Eventually he was thrown out of the school, and now the school is being taught by a couple of just out of high school kids.

If you wish to know more, please feel free to respond or email me back at
QUI-GON said:
I want to thank those of you who have responded. There doesn't seem to be a highly negative opinion of this school (there is also a USSD school close by but I recall a thread here a while back with alot of negative remarks about it).

I did check out Ron Bennett's (sp?) site and am not quite sure what to make of it?? Lou Casamassa's Red Dragon site doesen't seem too bad. Seems to be geared for kids which is kinda what I want at this point in their training.

As I mentioned in the Meet and Greet thread, I am from Southern Calif (Los Angeles) and train in Kung Fu San Soo. Although I teach my kids a little here and there I would like to get them into a Martial Arts program for kids as the KFSS studio I train at doesn't take kids under 14.

Still looking forward to hearing from anyone who has 'been there, done that' at Red Dragon.

Thank you

Forgive me for going off topic, but where in LA do you study San Soo? I study at San soo Reseda with Paul Borisoff (he posts here at my insistance). He teaches a kids class on Saturdays. Thanks, Randy
Lou and Chris are both great guys and excellant martial artists. They are very sport oriented and can be a great place to get grounded in the basics along with a more "showy" side of the MAs. I have not seen any of them or their students do a whole lot in the way of fighting, but I am sure they would do alright against the average street thug. There are a great many styles and schools out there that are better for learning self-defense so I would shop around. Since you live in CA you might want to check out and EPAK school. I think you would be pleased.
L Canyon said:
Forgive me for going off topic, but where in LA do you study San Soo? I study at San soo Reseda with Paul Borisoff (he posts here at my insistance). He teaches a kids class on Saturdays. Thanks, Randy

Hey Randy -

I originally trained in Anaheim under Frank Woolsey years ago. Now I train in Diamond Bar under Raul Ries. Before discovering the Diamond Bar KFSS I trained in Tae Kwon Do and Karate.
searcher said:
Lou and Chris are both great guys and excellant martial artists. They are very sport oriented and can be a great place to get grounded in the basics along with a more "showy" side of the MAs. I have not seen any of them or their students do a whole lot in the way of fighting, but I am sure they would do alright against the average street thug. There are a great many styles and schools out there that are better for learning self-defense so I would shop around. Since you live in CA you might want to check out and EPAK school. I think you would be pleased.

I appreciate the information.
Pacificshore said:
Shito-Ryu is a very good traditional art, and if the instructor comes from Demura Sensei's line, then it can't be all that bad ;)

I know someone who studied under Sensei Demura. I never saw him do his stuff, but I know he felt the training under Mr. Demura was high quality. I'd check it out, if I was you.
TheEdge883 said:
Sorry it's taken a while to respond. Former student here, left on bad terms.

Simply put, Ron went insane (imo). Started getting conspiracy theories about his top students were trying to take over the school. Eventually he was thrown out of the school, and now the school is being taught by a couple of just out of high school kids.

If you wish to know more, please feel free to respond or email me back at

thanks for that reply, I didn't really expect it, so it is doubly appreciated.

Ron got thrown out of his own school? very strange.

All I can say is, from what I have seen on his website, i would steer clear.

If you aren't comfortable posting any of this info publically, feel free to PM. thx.
John Bishop said:
The Red Dragon chain is very sport oriented, and pretty expensive. Having one in the city I teach in, I get quite a few of their students, adult and kids.
Thru the City of Diamond Bar, there are two karate programs. I teach Kajukenbo, and Jerry Short teaches Shito Ryu. The minimun age for my youth classes is 8, but Jerry accepts students at 6 years old. Jerry is a long time black belt of Fumio Demura's, so his background is excellent.

My boys and I stopped by your Thursday night class. We had to leave before the end so I didn't get to talk to you, but I thought you do a great job working with the kids in your class. btw... My wife saw your avatar and thinks you and me look like brothers, lol.
QUI-GON said:
My boys and I stopped by your Thursday night class. We had to leave before the end so I didn't get to talk to you, but I thought you do a great job working with the kids in your class. btw... My wife saw your avatar and thinks you and me look like brothers, lol.

OK, that must have been you with the 2 young boys talking to my wife thursday night. Thanks for the kind words.
OK, my mistake, I was thinking of White Dragons of Bushido. I found their website again. Horrible stuff. This guy claims to have been a student of Lou Casamassa.
Dumb *******? don't even know what a dragon is
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