Recommended reading - an old'un but a good'un


Master Black Belt
Many of you may have read this ages back but it was only very recently that I stumbled across Gichin Funakoshi's "Karate-Do My Way of Life" in the local library and checked this out for a read. While shotokan is not my style (although there are of course, for obvious reasons, similarities with goju ryu) I generally like to read any such book from the martial arts masters.

This was a quick and easy read and while quite simplistic in style (I am of course reading the English translation) was a fascinating and inspiring look not only into the early days of shotokan and also karate in Japan but also into Gichin's own personal life and his philosophies/outlook on things.

Being more in the form of an autobiography it is different from the likes of "The Book of Five Rings" or the "Art of War", in that a lot of it is not specifically focused on martial outlook/strategy but never-the-less it is a captivating read. I personally found it re-invigorated my appreciation and love of karate and also, for some reason, has given me a greater appreciation for kata.

Happy reading to those not yet familiar with the book, it is worth digging out.
I remember reading Gichin Funakoshi's "Karate-Do My Way of Life" many years ago. I also remember how much I enjoyed the book. Thanks for reminding me of it.
I bought it last Christmas along with Bruce Lee's Striking thoughts...just haven't had an oppertunity to pick it back up.

Great Book
Really cool book and anyone who is even remotely interested in the philosophy of Karate should read it.

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