Recommend a Spyderco for a gift?

Bill Mattocks

Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
I want to buy a Spyderco pocket knife for a friend's housewarming/retirement. We're both from Golden, CO and we've given each other Spyderco blades over the years as gifts, it's kind of a tradition. But it's been a lot of years since I've purchased a Spyderco blade and I'm no longer familiar with the catalog. I'm thinking an EDC type knife that he can use for mundane tasks like opening boxes as well as just having handy on his belt. He's not a martial artist or a knife fighter, just a good guy. Looking to spend around $100. For those of you who are into the current blades, what's a recommendation? Thank you!
If you're interested in something that's both usable and collectible, you might try to find one of their damascus blades. They can be a bit difficult to find, though.

I've always liked the design of the Native series.

One thing to consider, regardless of the model you choose, is edge. Spyderco makes pretty much everything in either smooth or serrated blades. Personally, I hate serrated blades. They're a pain in the butt to sharpen. I sharpen on a loose belt grinder with old belts. That gives a convex edge, rather than the flat bevel you get from stones. The drawback is that you can ONLY sharpen on the grinder. Fortunately, the extra metal behind the edge of a convex bevel adds enough strength to the edge that I don't have to resharpen very often.
You might consider their Byrd line if it's truly intended as an every day use knife. Quality, but a bit cheaper... I like the Cara Cara myself.
I have recently become a Spyderco fan, after swearing off Benchmades (I have a pile of those). Models that I have recent experience with would include: Paramilitary 2, Para 3, Yojumbo, and Manix 2 XL.

I carry the Yojumbo but I also train FMA. If your buddy doesn't, and the knife is really just a utility tool for edc tasks, of the ones I have used lately, I would say Paramilitary 2. A little over your budget but worth it. Iconic Spyderco and great edc.

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