FMAT: Knife recommendations?

Clark Kent

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Knife recommendations?
By Carol Kaur - Thu, 28 Sep 2006 13:55:41 GMT
Originally Posted at: FMATalk


Looking for recommedations for my next purchase - an everyday carry blade. Currently I am carrrying a Spyderco Delica (3" blade) which I like a lot.

I'm looking for a folder that won't get me in to hot water with the local constabulary should I get caught with it. I'd rather not carry anything with a name imprinte on it that sounds like somethng Rambo would carry. I'd also prefer to keep the blade around 4", it absolutely must be under 6". I'm not looking for something cheap, I'd rather spend the money and know that I'm getting something of good quality.

Your thoughts?


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I'm a big fan of the Spyderco Cricket for a handy knife that isn't terribly scary. Granted, it's tiny. But outside of the CRKT KISS, I can't think of another knife that doubles as a tie clip.