Recognition of skill and prior learning - back to TKD after 10 years


White Belt

I am new to the forums. I am just curious about perspectives in the martial arts community about this topic; an issue I have only encountered until now. I earned my 1st Dan in WTF Taekwondo when I was 15, 10 years ago. I then had to have corneal eye transplant surgery due to vision impairment, so I gave up TKD and took up Wing Chun, which seemed more gentle and incurred less of a chance of being hit in the eye in training. Did that for two years. Eyes healed, but still vision impaired. Took up Muay Thai and Boxing, and did that for 8 years. Remained in shape, martial arts type weights training (power cleans, weighted dips, burpees, jogging etc). I decided to get back into TKD, and joined the only club in my new town (as there are no Muay Thai schools), which is ITF. I have forgotten the patterns, but when sparring and training the black belts commented on my "excellent" (*blush*) technique and the lower belts on my speed and fighting skills, blocking etc and I revealed my WTF black belt status. The red belts were relieved :) although they were quite a challenge I must say. The black belts say "once a black belt, always a black belt" and suggest I speak with the Master about wearing my WTF gear, and belt - say, with an indication that I may be rusty on patterns. I suppose they are right, and if I have WTF on my chest, I'll be forgiven for not knowing ITF patterns.

What do you all think? In your view, can I wear my black belt in class reflecting my experience and that I've kepty in shape/kept up fighting skills? I've heard that there are special black belts with white stripes etc on them to indicate an "out of training" black belt.

Thanks for any thoughts. I'll have a chat with the Master and update you. My vision impairment means I find it hard to learn patterns, but that's life. I'll find it almost impossible learning all the ITF patterns given my eyesight, but hopefully I can simply take this in my strike reflcting my disability.

Cheers and thanks
Well, when I was away from Seido karate for years my sensei (who was the one who originally gave me my black belt) had me wear white belt for a few months till I was back up to speed, and could get a handle on the whole curriculum again.

I don't see why it should be any different, even though it's another organization, it's still the same style and the same tech. so take your time, relearn what you have to. The black belt is not going anywhere. Better to wear one and know all the stuff than have one on and be playing catch-up.
I think you're probably too worried about what's wrapped around your waist.
I went the other direction. My original training was in ITF. Now, after a good 25 year layoff, I am in a WTF school. I wear a green belt to that school, because that is what I've earned at that school. Do the instructors know I've had prior training? Sure, because the very first day I heard "You've done this before, haven't you?" Do I learn faster than other green belts? I hope so, since the concepts are not new to me. I even like to think I might have some sparring skills that would not normally be associated with a green belt.
But I'm not interested in wearing rank from another system. I'm studying Moo Duk Kwan TaeKwonDo now, and the rank I wear will be the rank I've earned. If a person watches out class and does not know me, I would rather they considered me under-ranked than over-.
Ask the instructor what he would like to do, and leave the options open to anything he thinks is best.

On a side note, I find it strange the your vision impairment causes difficulty in learning patterns, but not in sparring.
Thanks. Did you take 25 years off completely? No martial arts at all?

My vision impairment is akin to shortsightedness, so unless the instructor is right in front of me showing a pattern, I can't see it. We do patterns in a class, and he is in front. So I am staring at back too. A sparring partner is front on, close - besides, I've been fighting for a long time, we can anticipate just by the general movement of the torso and body.
I'm really happy to hear you're back in TKD. And glad you have been training all this time. I train in other styles, too, but TKD is my home. I found it really interesting to hear your story. I'm glad you're here.

As far as the belt thing goes, I'd go along with what the instructor decides. If he decides you should wear your BB, it will prob feel funny at first while everyone figures out, "hey, what's going on?" But then everyone will get used to it and everything will settle down.

I look forward to hearing more from you.

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