I train American Martial Arts. But the belt I've been wearing for the last fifteen years has Japanese Characters on it that I had designed. (I've always embraced Budo) The belt has no Dan stripes on it. It has my name, and on one side Japanese characters that say "Rank is meaningless."Basically I’m saying you can’t necessarily ALWAYS trust online translations or app translations.
If you reorder what the app says, and remember that the J sound and the Ch sound are made by the same character, it is my founding GM’s (who emigrated to the US in the 1970’s) name. Also, the fact that it says Knife Rinse for my last name, and Juggernaut Episode for the bottom left, makes its accuracy suspicious enough to question whether it is expressing his name correctly.
I have learned to be very cautious about online translations of any language. My high school Spanish teacher told us to always translate everything back the other way to make absolutely certain it was saying what we really wanted to say. I’ve had some pretty interesting results in my day. Depending on context, the verb mandar could mean drive, send, or order (a person to do something). Online translators don’t always guess right.
The other side has my personal philosophy on all things Martial Arts.
I had Japanese friends, one a life long Kendo student, the other a devout Buddhist, design the characters. When the belt came, there had been a misprint, had to have the company do it over again. But they did a good job.
I'll be buried with that belt. Wouldn't have it any other way.