Reason to train?

started my first training back in 1962 learning from a book ( there where no instructors in my area at that time) official training came after I got out of school and served in the military
Yea I'm starting to age a little ;)
started my first training back in 1962 learning from a book ( there where no instructors in my area at that time) official training came after I got out of school and served in the military
Yea I'm starting to age a little ;)

Not too bad. Thought you were going to mention Napolian :D
Not too bad. Thought you were going to mention Napolian :D

I doubt Napoleon's troops did much (if any) formal hand to hand training. They were all about small swords, bayonets and things that go BOOM.

I had my first class in 1968 or 1969. Damn. I need to get some Geritol... (Is it a dated product reference when the spellcheck program doesn't recognize "Geritol"?)
I doubt Napoleon's troops did much (if any) formal hand to hand training. They were all about small swords, bayonets and things that go BOOM.

I had my first class in 1968 or 1969. Damn. I need to get some Geritol... (Is it a dated product reference when the spellcheck program doesn't recognize "Geritol"?)

My spell check said that Napoleon was spelt like. Spell check obviously does not speak French lol.
I'm not even sure why I train. Habit, I guess. I used to say because it was fun, but it's not fun anymore, it's just hard.

I know why I teach and stay active in the arts. What the hell else would I do? :)
I am to lazy to go back and read did I mention I'm still in the arts because those I call friends are in the arts
I am interested on getting different peoples aspects on why you train? What was it that you started martial arts for in the first place? Has your perspective or what you hope to get from the arts changed with time? I ask because I am finding my personal philosophy taking shape in a slightly new direction.
I am always asking myself why. I suppose to ensure I have a vision; a purpose being fulfilled.
For myself, I can't find a legitimate, honest reason then I should either change my philosophy or my action.
I am interested on getting different peoples aspects on why you train? What was it that you started martial arts for in the first place? Has your perspective or what you hope to get from the arts changed with time? I ask because I am finding my personal philosophy taking shape in a slightly new direction.
I am always asking myself why. I suppose to ensure I have a vision; a purpose being fulfilled.
For myself, I can't find a legitimate, honest reason then I should either change my philosophy or my action.
I have been interested in martial arts since I was a child. From being a hyper kid, to all the karate kids, kickboxers, bloodsports, best of the bests, 3 ninjas, ninja turtles, I always knew I was meant to train. I wrestled in highschool, boxed very briefly in college, but it wasn't the same. I never got a chance to begin until recently.
I train because i love the idea of martial arts. It is definitely a great way to stay in shape, as i think fighters have the most functional bodies. I think i just love everything about the subject. It's great to think that I am a part of something so big.

I would have learned any martial art that i could, it just so happens that there is a tang soo do school walking distance from my home, so ive committed to it, and it's the best decision I've ever made.