Reality Shows


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Would you want to participate in one?
I think I would like Monster House or One of the Home makeover ones..
I didn't realize there were so many Shows til I researched it :D

While You Were Out - TLC
Monster House - Discovery
Queer Eye (R) - Bravo
Star Search - CBS
Trading Spaces - TLC
Makeover: Home Edition - ABC
Real World 8:30 - MTV
Fear Factor - NBC
American Idol Wild Cards 90 Min - Fox
In A Fix - TLC
Survivor All Stars - CBS
Extreme Makeover Home Edition (R) - ABC
Mad Mad House (R) - Sci Fi
For Better Or Worse - TLC
Newlyweds - MTV
America's Next Top Model - UPN
Real World 1hr (R) - MTV
Forever Eden - Fox
RW/RR Challenge 9:30 - MTV
While You Were Out - TLC
What Not To Wear - TLC
Nashville Star Premiere - USA
Perfect Weddng - TLC
Dream Job - ESPN
Todd TV (R) - FX
Airline (10 & 10:30) - A&E
Now Who's Boss - TLC
RW/RR Challenge / Newlyweds - MTV
Clean Sweep - TLC
Making The Band - MTV

Coming Soon
Mar. 6 - Nashville Star 2, USA, 10pm
Mar. 7 - Trading Spaces Home Free, TLC, 7pm
Mar. 12 - Playing It Straight, Fox
Mar. 14 - High School Reunion 2 - WB
Mar. 15 - Average Joe 3 - NBC
Mar. 29 - The Swan - Fox
Apr. 7 - The Bachelor - ABC
May 2004 - Simple Life 2 - Fox
May 2004 - Colonial House - PBS
Jun. 8 - The Casino - Fox
Jun. 22 - Adventure Of A Lifetime - TBS

In Production
The Restaurant 2 - NBC - Spring
The Amazing Race 5 - CBS - Summer
American Candidate - Showtime - Summer
Big Brother 5 - CBS - Summer
Last Comic Standing 2 - NBC - Summer
Next Action Star - NBC - Summer
No Opportunity Wasted - Discovery - Summer
The Swap - ABC - Summer
The Will - CBS - Summer
I don't watch the reality t.v. stuff like real world, survivor and so on. If I want back stabbing, lies and manipulation I'll just watch C-SPAN. I do watch a good deal of the history channel, discovery channel and wings. I want one of two things from t.v., information or escape not reality.
I was kinda excited bout Dream House.. til I sat down and watched part of an episode.. Good Grief.. 16 people building a house woulda been interesting.. but it was constant fighting and as you said Jeff.. Backstabbing etc.. Rolling eyes.. I switched the boobtube off in a heartbeat.. what rubbish~!!!

I do like Monster House just cuz it's 'out there' .. Can't tolerate Survivor.. or that kinda nonsense.. *twitches*
I watched a couple of episodes of Extreme Makeover - Home Edition, looked intersting to see 200 construction workers change a house in seven days...

Could do without the bickering, crap, just grab a tool and go to work!
While You Were Out.

My sister and I applied to get my mom on the show, but we haven't heard back yet. :(

Tess, can we call Queer Eye for fluffy? hehe. he needs it. :p ;)
I want to go to Mad Mad House. The whole show is based on people being intimidated by lifestyles they don't understand. I'm not easily intimidated and I love seeing other lifestyles.