Real professional interview

Hmmmm... Perhaps an english transcript might be helpful.
OUMoose said:
Hmmmm... Perhaps an english transcript might be helpful.

I don't think it would help. At least I didn't understand a word they were saying and still laughed myself silly watching it :)
well..what happend was that the guy with the high voice has lost his manhood. nothing funny is actually said.:idunno:
I laughed my socks off watching it too. It doesn't matter whether you understand the language or not. He does try to compose himself but you know its impossible when you get to that stage of chuckling, the next time the voice comes out he's off. Great clip!
I have seen that clip before sopmewhere else. ooh...I know that language. Dutch! ooh I am dutch...let me replay that clip five billion times and translate it for you.
KenpoSterre said:
I have seen that clip before sopmewhere else. ooh...I know that language. Dutch! ooh I am dutch...let me replay that clip five billion times and translate it for you.

I thoght it was icelandic. I seem to remember reading that somewhere, but maybe it was wrong