Wing Chun Interviews Podcasts


Yellow Belt
Anybody else listened to the Wing Chun Interviews podcasts on iTunes run by the Wing Chun Geeks?

I was just wondering what happened to these guys as I enjoyed the series and they posted their last interview on 9th August 2013. Anyone know of any similar podcasts? Thanks
I also downloaded these off iTunes in the last couple of days. I enjoyed them, some good lil bits of information in them. I had a feeling that there wasn't many people aware of them as there was hardly any ratings on iTunes and they did ask for people to give them 5 stars and leave a comment. Odds are they put a hell of a lot of work in, for hardly any return. So my bets are they got bored/annoyed and just stopped doing it.

unfortunatly there is only so many good sifus to actually talk to and to keep coming up with fresh ideas is hard. I look at any information possible regarding Wc regardless of lineage. I don't know how many people can say the same?
Yes, I also saw them as a fascinating insight into Wing Chun in general and the different Sifu's backgrounds. I especially enjoyed the Samuel Kwok interview as he is my Sigung and have met him several times so it was nice to hear him tell his own background and experiences.

I still have it subscribed in iTunes in case another episode ever appears. You never know, they may read this

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