re: MArtial Arts Memorial

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
I saw this on BudoSeek, thought I'd help by reposting it here

MArtial Arts Memorial
I know I haven't been around much lately, (at least Posting), but our little Dojo has suffered a tremendous loss this past summer. On June 18 of this year, our beloved friend and teacher, Michael D Morneault was hit and killed by a drunk driver on his way home from visiting his niece in the hospital. The driver had a warrent out for his arrest already for failing to appear in court for a previous OUI and had been doing about 90mph when he hit Mike. He'd been stopped just minutes before due to erratic driving, but took off when the officer stepped out of his vehicle.
His wife and two year old adopted daughter were also in the vehicle but were treated and released that night.
Mike was an integral part of our Dojo, as he was our Sensei's previous teacher in Shorinji Kempo Karate, and taught us all a bit of his old art. He loved and respected all martial styles and was always as eager to learn as he was to share his knowledge.
OUr Club is organizing the First Annual Michael D Morneault Martial Arts Memorial on October 19 from 10 am until 4 pm. It will be held at Noble High Schol in North Berwick, Maine, about an hour and a half north of Boston. The fcus of the event is to promote all styles of martial arts through informational tables and demonstrations. Also, we hope to have representatives from MADD and SADD and local police departments to help educate in the dangers of driving while intoxicated. There will be food and vendors as well as entertainment for children. Various items and services will be raffled of during the course of the event. There will also be musical entertainment in the auditorium featuring Mike's Brother, Will, various local artists, and O Daiko New England, a Taiko Drumming group. They will be giving two half hour perfomances early in the day. Admission to the memorial will be $5 and $5 as well for admission to the concerts. All of the money collected will go towards his Wife and Daughter, as Mike had no insurance at the time. They will decide whether they need the money for bills, or to donate it towards drunk driving education or to put it back towards the next year's Memorial.
We hope to make this an annual event, so that the memory of Mike will forever be preserved, as well as those things he loved. If anyone in the area could possibly come and show some support for this, it would be greatly appreciated......

Original Thread :

Any cards to be sent in regards to sympathy of our Dojo's loss can be sent to

Ju Ki Dojo
C/O Jason Hendrickson
PO Box 531
South Berwick, Maine 03908

Again thank you all for your support....

Be nice; until it's time not to be nice...

-Jason Hendrickson

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