Friday, March 21, 2003
6:30 – 8 pm
Martial Arts Demonstration and Reception
Speaker: Taika Seiyu Oyata, Founder of International Ryu-Te Renmei
To Protect, Not Harm: A Lifetime of Teaching the Ways of Peace
Taika Oyata has been a martial arts practitioner for close to 60 years. From an aristocratic Okinawan family dating back to the 17th century, he learned the indigenous arts used to protect the Shuri kings. He began his training after service in World War II, and since then, Taika Oyata has constantly analyzed the human body and the traditions he inherited. He now has a strong following in the U.S., with students in over 26 U.S. states, Japan, Israel and Poland, and recently began training the U.S. Sky Marshals. He teaches “life-protection arts” drawn from the history and practice of Okinawan arts, including pressure-point striking and joint locking, the meaning behind the empty-hand kata and use of various traditional weapons. This respected and renowned master will demonstrate his extraordinary art and discuss his belief in and teaching of martial arts as a defensive and protective, rather than destructive and violent, skill.
Followed by a reception.
Admission: $25
Japan Society members and Ryu-Te Renmei members $20. We can offer a discount to dojos with prepurchase of 10 tickets or more.
To register, contact Karen Hawkins at khawkins@japansociety.org
You can also register online at:
6:30 – 8 pm
Martial Arts Demonstration and Reception
Speaker: Taika Seiyu Oyata, Founder of International Ryu-Te Renmei
To Protect, Not Harm: A Lifetime of Teaching the Ways of Peace
Taika Oyata has been a martial arts practitioner for close to 60 years. From an aristocratic Okinawan family dating back to the 17th century, he learned the indigenous arts used to protect the Shuri kings. He began his training after service in World War II, and since then, Taika Oyata has constantly analyzed the human body and the traditions he inherited. He now has a strong following in the U.S., with students in over 26 U.S. states, Japan, Israel and Poland, and recently began training the U.S. Sky Marshals. He teaches “life-protection arts” drawn from the history and practice of Okinawan arts, including pressure-point striking and joint locking, the meaning behind the empty-hand kata and use of various traditional weapons. This respected and renowned master will demonstrate his extraordinary art and discuss his belief in and teaching of martial arts as a defensive and protective, rather than destructive and violent, skill.
Followed by a reception.
Admission: $25
Japan Society members and Ryu-Te Renmei members $20. We can offer a discount to dojos with prepurchase of 10 tickets or more.
To register, contact Karen Hawkins at khawkins@japansociety.org
You can also register online at: