Re-directing force exercise.

mook jong man

Senior Master
This is a good exercise that we used to do quite a lot .
Partner A faces partner B both square on in their stance feet equal like for Sil Lum Tao.

Those people who's system does one foot forward try it that way, might still work.

Both A and B put their right arms up making contact on the outside of the forearm at the wrist pull the spare hand back like in single sticking hands.
Both A and B have their arms in the optimum angle (elbow approx two fist distance from the body) , forward force on (springy force).

Partner A pivots and attempts to palm strike partner B .
Partner B pivots and re-directs the force with a reverse tan sau .

The finish position is you have pivoted , your arm is in tan sau ,wrist on your centre , but your elbow is out from your body , forearm is aligned to strike back at partner ( it looks sort of like you are holding a book in your palm and reading it.).

From the reverse tan sao position partner B strikes back at partner A with a palm strike and pivot , partner A re-directs with reverse tan sau and pivot thus starting the whole cycle again.

important points

through out the whole movement you must have forward force towards the partners centerline so that if he did take his arm away your arm would spring forward to his center.stay sunk down in your stance , stay relaxed , maintain the angle in your arm dont let it collapse.use the opponents force to help power your own pivot.

start off slow , once you get the hang of it start using more power in the palm strike trying to collapse the opponents structure.make sure you change over and train your left arm as well.

This exercise looks pretty simple but there is a lot going on under the surface it will work on your stance ,pivoting , sensitivity , keeping your structure against a heavy incoming force and also re-directing force.

have fun.

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