Rate your pain here

What kind of injuries have you survived?

Broke hand. I'd give it a 6.0

Jammed fingers in sparring (many times!!) 3.0

Stretched ligaments from Judo. A 7.0

Torn ligaments from jump kicking. A 8.0 for sure.

Kicked in the groin (twice). 5.0

Front tooth elbowed back. 5.0

Seven sticheds in forhead from a roundhouse kick. 2.0 (didn't even stun me.)

Broke toe in Judo (little toe.) 5.0 (it hurt even more the next day.)

Some interesting injuries and responses! :bangahead:

Won't bore you with the multi-page list of my injuries, e.g., Dr. says 21 broken bones over the years. Most of those were maybe a 3. It's the joints that hurt to me--knees, especially, have been a 10+ until I get them popped back into place, then they go to about a 2.

But one weird thing I will share. About 3 1/2 years ago, was training with a partner in San Soo class. The drill was a low roundhouse kick to inside of shin for a take down, and I was the test dummy first. Being a mostly stand up guy, I often avoid going to the ground, stupidly in this case. My partner was cross training in kick boxing and had a pretty strong kick. But being too dumb to cooperate properly, I stood rooted...and let him try a second time. The first time, I knew I was hurt. The second time, knew I was hurt for real.

Developed a swollen lower leg which turned black from bruising. Most of that faded after a couple months, but a small circle is still visible. Anyway, the interesting thing: I was sitting in front of the tube a couple nights ago, it's still over 90 degrees here in sunny SoCal long after sun down so lights are off, and had only the glow from TV for light.

During a break in the program, I happened to glance down at that leg, which was crossed over the other and so reflecting the ambient light. And saw that there was an indentation. Strange that it took so long for me to notice. Stranger that I have no idea what you'd call this--doesn't seem like it'd be classed as a break... maybe more like a small crush of the outer bone toward the somewhat hollow center???
I agree, I've got a pimple just inside the opening of my nostril and that sucker is WAY more painful than a black eye!
Yep they're bad , but what about it's cousin the pimple in the ear hole , makes you wanna rip your ear off just so you can get at it.
Some interesting injuries and responses! :bangahead:

Won't bore you with the multi-page list of my injuries, e.g., Dr. says 21 broken bones over the years. Most of those were maybe a 3. It's the joints that hurt to me--knees, especially, have been a 10+ until I get them popped back into place, then they go to about a 2.

But one weird thing I will share. About 3 1/2 years ago, was training with a partner in San Soo class. The drill was a low roundhouse kick to inside of shin for a take down, and I was the test dummy first. Being a mostly stand up guy, I often avoid going to the ground, stupidly in this case. My partner was cross training in kick boxing and had a pretty strong kick. But being too dumb to cooperate properly, I stood rooted...and let him try a second time. The first time, I knew I was hurt. The second time, knew I was hurt for real.

Developed a swollen lower leg which turned black from bruising. Most of that faded after a couple months, but a small circle is still visible. Anyway, the interesting thing: I was sitting in front of the tube a couple nights ago, it's still over 90 degrees here in sunny SoCal long after sun down so lights are off, and had only the glow from TV for light.

During a break in the program, I happened to glance down at that leg, which was crossed over the other and so reflecting the ambient light. And saw that there was an indentation. Strange that it took so long for me to notice. Stranger that I have no idea what you'd call this--doesn't seem like it'd be classed as a break... maybe more like a small crush of the outer bone toward the somewhat hollow center???

Sheesh, for that takedown were you both wearing shin guards? (and if so,) Were they the all-foam kind or did they also have a harder core material?
Sheesh, for that takedown were you both wearing shin guards? (and if so,) Were they the all-foam kind or did they also have a harder core material?
No, San Soo uses no protective gear. But in fairness to the art, practice like that is supposed to be slow.
Your foot being stabbed with a sai is only a 2? LOL you have a high threshold my friend!

Just out of curiosity, when your face was hit with the double nunchucks at the same time, were you a beginner?

LOL! yeah actually i do have high tolerance of pain but it just broke the skin and bounced off it was more of the force that hurt it then the actual breaking of the skin. it couldve been worse.

lol funny thing about the nunchucks was that i was REALLY, REALLY, not feeling well that day and i was on a lot of meds but the class was the last class of the night and i had slept all day so i decided to just come and my instructor just taught us how to do inverted up and down spins and i was going to do that next after i practiced just up and down but um yeah i blame the meds for that um...incident. LOL!
Have dislocated my right knee twice now in the last month during sparring, and this last time I would rate at about a 14, which is by far the worst pain I have ever felt...EVER. That besides the excruciating sensation of feeling my knee joint shift into a completely unnatural position. Now it looks like a softball. The pop was so loud that my partner said he heard it and felt it. Don't know exactly what's the problem but I never NEVER want to go through that again!
Cut my head with a sword: 2 (it was sharp enough I didn't feel at first)
Tore my ACL and irreparable damage to meniscus: 9
Broken pinky: 9.5
Numerous bruises:1
Rug burn on foot from grappling: 2.5

being stabbed in general, once got accidentally cut by katana and didnt notice how badly until I saw the blood, once in an altercation, neither was particularly painfully.

Chipping my elbow was about a 1, when it got infected, that was a 7.
Needle stuck thru my urethra-10.0

Having arm dislocation pop back in place-11.0

Tube removed from my neck-6.0

Brick to head-7.5

I want the story on this one!

Worst pain; muscle convulsions while concious with crushed/broken hip/pelvis/fermurs/tibia/ fibia/ribs/humerous/clavicle/skull/ jaw/teeth (and the list goes on, think of being dragged under a freight train for a mile) 10+

Simple breaks, bruises, muscle tears don't really hurt now. Of course knowing when to tap before something goes "pop" is allways a worry.

My worst was a broken floating rib along with a few separated ribs. Was painful breathing and moving at all.

The worst part though was not being able to train for 3 months.
Which one the brick to the head?:rofl:

I was 9 and one of the local kids threw a brick at my head. I did not pass out but my head really hurt lol. I was woozy.

I am sure there are more "accidents" but you know so many hits to head I forget easy!!:lol:
My worst was a broken floating rib along with a few separated ribs. Was painful breathing and moving at all.

The worst part though was not being able to train for 3 months.

Did the same thingg and it is painful,BUT no where near the pain level of another gem I pulled.
I had a full thickness acl tear which hurt plenty by itself,but it subsided after a while. The real pain came a month later after the surgery when the drugs wore off approximately 12hrs after surgery(acl reconstruction using 30% of the patellar tendon). THAT WAS PAIN my brother!! Don't even think about moving that leg!!

Mind you, I know what pain is. After being diagnosed with testicular cancer I had a ball surgically removed through my abdomen three years ago. I'd rather do that again than heave knee surgery,lol.
Hard side kick to ribs = not broken rib but central ligament extended so rib could be seen poking out from chest (healed back into place but agony laughing or breathing hard from running etc for a few months) - 5

Broken jaw - not so much the break but couple months later when healed, having wires (that went through jaw and gums) pulled out with pliers without anaesthetic, a wierd raw/deep kind of pain - 5

Badly strained ligaments along inner elbow/bicep from not being able to get out of arm bar (took 8 months to heal, a real b*tch!! for training) - 6

Jumping off a roof when a kid, getting back of shorts caught in a nail when did so from seated position, instead of landing on feet hitting the pavement face first, busting up teeth - cried at the time - not so much from pain but had just gone through two years of braces and knew I was back in that freakin dentists chair!! (a real b*tch!!!)
Broken ribs, it didn't hurt much when it happened only later.. maybe 2

Broken fingers maybe 1-3 when it happened and 4 when they swell.

Dislocated elbow with nerve moving and getting pressed... 8

Getting two times your size person falling on your knee and seeing it moving directions it is not meant ... 9 (knowing it will never be OK again 2, still hurts sometimes even after over 10 years)

Skewer through foot 1 (it was sharp so no much pain)

Broken toes or lacerated toe nails 3 (I always wonder how much blood comes from so small wound)

Sprained ankle, 3-8 depends how bad, last caused 5 months pain and 2 months not training. (except one weeks seminar right after it when I had to tie my foot so it did't move :) )
After being diagnosed with testicular cancer I had a ball surgically removed through my abdomen three years ago.

Dude! Every guy on this thread is now in the fetal position. That is rough bro!

BTW it sounds to me like the doctors might need some anatomy classes, I don't think they're supposed to be anywhere near the abdomen...
Full force roundhouse kick to a bag with too much extension... hit with my toes instead of my instep.

THAT was not fun. Around a 5.

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