Rant of the day thread


Senior Master
Mar 20, 2004
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I thought I would create a thread for everyone to just vent their frustrations on. You know what I'm talking about, that one pet peeve or button that gets pushed, or maybe just the proverbial "straw".

Let 'em rip!!!
Ok, here is my first one. I was going to post something else but this one got stuck in my craw just creating the thread.

You try to go to a window's page and it shows up "Internet Explorer can't display this page" and then you hit refresh and it shows up! It always seems to happen when I have entered something and need it to go to the next page. I hate having to reenter everything.
Bought new Miele dishwasher in July 08 from The Great Indoors. Guys bring it in, install it. First time we use it, realize that the door acts as if it's spring-loaded, snaps up like a drawbridge when you pull it down. You have to hold it with your knee while loading dishes. Call, and call some more. Eventually get repair visit scheduled.

A week ago, discovered that the dishwasher is loose from its moorings. Bloody hell, didn't they put in any attaching screws when they installed it? But why then was it functional from then until now? Shake head in bafflement, call TGI, get sent to person in charge of installation who isn't in, leave a message on voicemail. She calls back, schedules repair visit.

This past Saturday, repair guy comes. Diagnosis: original installers put in two screws to secure the the machine, but on the same side. The other side was loose. Vibration over seven months caused the screws to tear out. Reinstalls machine with two screws properly, putting them in at the top into the top of the counter, where they should have gone in the first place.

All is joyous tra-la-la, right? Ooops... the door now acts as if it's spring-loaded again. Déja vu, definitely of the wrong sort. Plus, when the guy reinstalled it, he did it so that the front of the machine now juts out two inches or more into the kichen past the top of the counter. One step forward, two steps back.

Call today to get a repair on the repair job. Appliances sends me to Service. Service can't find us in the system, so they send us to Warranty. Warranty can't find us in the system, so they do some mumbo-jumbo and inform me that as far as their data base goes, we don't exist. Must call back later with evidence of our existence, namely the machine's serial #. I tell them, but you just sent a guy on Saturday to fix the machine... don't you have any record of the job? Answer: apparently, NO. To get to that point took approximately an hour, most of it on hold, listening to the most godawful elevator music.

Have a two hour faculty meeting in a couple of minutes which is going to be a pleasure by comparison. Who says good service isn't dead!!? :rolleyes:
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My tech support guy at work is a Dilbert character. He contributes negative net value to the enterprise.
Since I'm getting ready to see The Watchmen, I'll mention one of my biggest pet peeves: people who talk on the cell phone in the movie theater.

Got me a big ol' box of Junior Mints, and I will throw them at you until you turn it off.