Thank you for that, I really enjoyed watching your analysis.

It is one of the things that I think MA outside of pure boxing are guilty of, and that is, like you pointed out, the guard drops way down to account for kicks and leaves the head wide open. I have seen many martial artists get KO'd because they keep their guard too low. They don't learn how to defend kicks below the waist using their legs or stance/movement and rely on using arms only.

Even through the lens of "street fighting", your attacker is much more likely to be throwing punches to your head and not a skilled kicker so you would want to keep those hands up.
Ramsey is so much better than the guy he is sparring it is kind of hard to tell.
Ramsey is so much better than the guy he is sparring it is kind of hard to tell.
It's hard to tell when they are sparring that light. What they are doing is what I would refer to as a mental exercise for sparring. That's how I spar when I'm exploring techniques and strategies. It slows the sparring action down enough to were I can actually take my time to think when sparring.
The right hands might be to stop take downs by the way. In wrestling your front knee is your chin.
I once saw someone I know take a flying knee to the face in competition. His front knee was a weapon.