Rampage arrested after car chase

Admin note: The three threads on Rampage's arrest have been merged and relocated here.

G Ketchmark / shesulsa
MT Assist. Administrator
This guy may truly have psychological problems (5150 in California). That would be sad for a young guy with so much promise, but it happens.
There was a video of him before the griffin fight on another forum. He didn't sound right. He wasn't his normal joking self, talked about god and dreams a lot, and just sounded really.... off.

I imagine he was having problems if he really did take 9 months off of training. Losing his title probably just pushed him that last little bit.
Anyone wonder if he's bipolar and had an episode? He's not a drug user, nor a heavy drinker, wasn't intoxicated (at least from what the reports have shown), and it's been stated by many people who know him that this was very 'out of character' for him.
That combined with the depression he's known to get in from losses.. I'm betting he's bipolar and got off balance. Bi-polarism can cause completely non-normal actions from seemingly normal people, a chemical imbalance in the brain.

Now I don't know if he is, but it certainly falls in line with my own personal experiences with bipolarism (close friend).
Think you may be on to something, Dave.

Skpotamus said:
There was a video of him before the griffin fight on another forum. He didn't sound right. He wasn't his normal joking self, talked about god and dreams a lot, and just sounded really.... off.
Does kinda get you to wondering....
It'll be interesting to see how things turn out with his future in the UFC or any event for that matter. Perhaps there was some underlying condition, problem, etc, that is not public knowledge right now, although I'm sure in time, everything will surface.

As far as him being upset for the loss with Griffin...hey, it sucks to lose, but its part of life and it happens all the time. There have been many fighters that have lost, fighters who are big names, and I don't recall hearing any stories like this about them. Chuck has lost, Randy has lost...these are 2 fighters that have a very good winning streak. Both of those fighters though came back, fought again and have won.

To get that depressed over something like this...doesnt seem worth it IMO.
To get that depressed over something like this...doesnt seem worth it IMO.
I agree with you, which is why I'm curious as to whether it is depression, and the depth and history of whatever it is. Your post suggests he has a choice in deciding to be this way or not. I'm wondering if that's the case, or if it's something deeper.