Dobok Etiquette


White Belt
Maybe I am just being neurotic. Help a guy out.

Is it unheard of to wear a dobok from another gym to a gym from a different school (even if they're both WTF schools)?

Another question: I know that once you're a blackbelt you can get a dobok with black piping. Say I don't want to? Because, really, the one I have already is fine. As long as it's clean there shouldn't be any real obligation to "upgrade" the dobok, right?

Also: this is my first post.
In my opinion, it would be disrespectful to wear another school's logo unless you are only there for a seminar or a one time workout. If you have changed dojangs, you should wear the uniform of the dojang you are currently at. If you played for the S.F. 49ers, they wouldn't let you wear your Raiders jersey to practice, know what I'm saying?

As for the black collar, it is tradition for Kukkiwon (W.T.F.) Dan holders to wear a black collar. If you are a serious student you should upgrade. The Martial (military) origin of the art calls for uniformity in dress and ettiquite, not to mention it is a good idea to have more than one dobok anyway. I can't speak for others, but I have 3 doboks I use when teaching, 1 for competition, and 1 I keep for ceremony (i.e. belt testing).

I would also ask your instructor how he/she feels about it as well. You will get your best answer there.
With regard to wearing a dobok from another school... It depends, to me. If you're visiting, I don't think it should be a big deal. If you've changed schools... You probably shouldn't be wearing someone else's uniform. Definitely not without discussing it with the head instructors.

As to the black piping... Can't you purchase the trim and add it to your existing dobok? Or find a tailor/alteration shop that will do the same sort of thing? That should only cost you a few bucks.
I got it easy, if I am to visit schools of my organization I get to keep my uniform. Should I decide to join them, I would only have to take the school patch off. But then my uniform is plastered with patches! :)

If you go to another organization, or school, not in a tight franchise, you ought to go neutral.

Easiest, should the situation happen is to call ahead of time and ask for the dress code.

If I would go to a non ITA school, I would probably not even wear my belt unless ok'd by the instructor, and a white T-Shirt over my dobok pants.
As it has been alluded to above, talk to the instructors of the schools you are going to. Each instructor has their own way of doing things.

In my dojang, students visiting from other schools can wear their dobok from their school. But if they become my student, then they wear the same dobok my students wear. I once had jr black belt from another school join my school & become my student. At his old school, he wore an actual black belt. I advised him & his parents that jr. black belts wear half black/half red poom belt & dobok in my dojang. While he didn't like it at first, he grew to like the dobok & belt.
Junior students are often allowed to wear another school's uniform if they are transferring until about orange belt (green stripe) which is approx 5 months into their training. At that point they are asked to make a commitment to the school and get our uniform and crests. However I have seen students continue to wear other doboks if they are plain (no crests or writing) past that point but it is frowned upon to not decorate it with our crests. We also have visitors that train with us sometimes on a pay per use basis and they wear their school's own uniform.

As for the black piping some here wear it and some do not and most have more than one dobok so the other ones do not always have it. We're an ITF style school so the piping for 1st-3rd dan is only partial and 4th dan and up is full sleeves and legs. (we don't do the v-neck we have the cross tops)
Nijuro, I am not a TKDist, but I can say that all martial arts schools are different. A lot of organizations require uniforms to be the same. But some schools are not part of organizations. At my school you can walk in wearing another uniform, so, no, it's not unheard of. Also, I'm 3rd dan but I wear a judo gi that is straight white. I'm not a fan of showy stuff, so I don't have stripes, patches, or emblems or anything.

Also, welcome to Martial Talk! We have a Meet and Greet area. Ya may want to pop over and say hello. Anyways, happy posting!
You should do what your school requires, this is like a job and one always follow what rules are in place.
I have a club on base to which I teach and is used as PT for some. A few of the people that work out with us take TKD at other dojangs in the evening. I dont have a problem with the dobak they wear at all however if they were my students then yes they would be required to be in uniform. When traveling I often bring a "clean" dobak with me as it is fun to hit a random dojang up for a workout.
If you are visiting, you should wear a dobok that indicates your school and affiliation - that gives people in the class you're visiting some idea of what your training background is and what you can be expected to know. If you're changing classes/organizations, check with the instructor. For me, I don't much care what it says on the dobok my students practice in - but by the time they test, I expect they'll have one that has our association's logo on it, for testings and tournaments. Other than that, I don't really are - but other instructors may have different opinions.

As far as the black piping goes, my opinion follows the one I gave above for doboks that refer to other associations - I don't care if you have it on the dobok you work out in, but you need to have one that has the right rank insignia for testings, tournaments, and other events - if only because it lets junior students find you more easily if they need assistance, because it's one more thing that makes you visible to them.
I emailed the school I had in mind and I'm still awaiting their reply. I've since gotten another question, though: poom doboks. Are these only worn at black stripe level? Are they ever required? At first glance, from someone who knows nothing like me, all these different uniforms seemed like a way to capitalise on the popularity of taekwondo. But this is why I am asking people who would know!

Thanks for all the insight, guys! If you still have anything to add please don't stop posting.
I emailed the school I had in mind and I'm still awaiting their reply. I've since gotten another question, though: poom doboks. Are these only worn at black stripe level? Are they ever required? At first glance, from someone who knows nothing like me, all these different uniforms seemed like a way to capitalise on the popularity of taekwondo. But this is why I am asking people who would know!

Thanks for all the insight, guys! If you still have anything to add please don't stop posting.

A Poom belt and collar on a dobok signifies a jr. black belt, age 15 or younger. The certificate of rank will also say 1st poom instead of 1st dan. Many schools in the U.S. do not use the poom belt or collar.
A Poom belt and collar on a dobok signifies a jr. black belt, age 15 or younger. The certificate of rank will also say 1st poom instead of 1st dan. Many schools in the U.S. do not use the poom belt or collar.

Jphtkd is correct about the "regular" use of the poom dobok & belt. However, I've seen some schools use it as a 1st gup dobok &/or belt or for other reasons. But the norm is as Jphtkd has said.

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