Questions about Systema....


Green Belt
Oct 5, 2013
Reaction score
Northwest Arkansas area
I am interested in learning Systema, if I can possibly find a school around here. I have a couple of quick questions about the art, as I know next to nothing about it other than what Youtube shows, and for obvious reasons would not like to rely on that as a complete representation of what the art is about.

Does Systema focus on grappling while integrating some striking, or is it a striking art with some grappling elements tossed in?

Is there any sort of ranking system?

I've seen some knife and gun disarming techniques... Is there any instruction on the use of knives? Or blunt weapons?

It seems at least to be vaguely similar to Aikido in some respects. How do they compare?

Does it teach ground fighting at all?


"A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in his every action." - Anonymous
I am interested in learning Systema, if I can possibly find a school around here. I have a couple of quick questions about the art, as I know next to nothing about it other than what Youtube shows, and for obvious reasons would not like to rely on that as a complete representation of what the art is about.

Does Systema focus on grappling while integrating some striking, or is it a striking art with some grappling elements tossed in?

Striking would definitely be the first option. Grappling more when required.

Is there any sort of ranking system?

Not normally.

I've seen some knife and gun disarming techniques... Is there any instruction on the use of knives? Or blunt weapons?

Defence against weapons yes and possibly some use of weapons depending on the training.

It seems at least to be vaguely similar to Aikido in some respects. How do they compare?

Aikido is one of the MAs incorporated in Systema. Similarities include the disengagement of the limbs from the body in striking and in defence. Ground rolling includes the rolls you see in aikido but has many other rolls as well. The heavy hands are also the same as aikido. Perhaps the most important similarity is the emphasis on maintaining your centre.

Does it teach ground fighting at all?

Most definitely but not like you would find in BJJ. Systema ground fighting is designed to make you feel comfortable if you need to go to the ground but trains to get back up from the ground as soon as possible.


"A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in his every action." - Anonymous
Cheers! Go along and ask for a couple of introductory classes. Most places give the opportunity to try it first. Some get a bit keen and ask for some cash, but even then it's normally only a nominal amount.