Questions About Muay Thai


White Belt
Hi, i'm new to this forum, and recently i've been interested in learning martial arts, preferably muay thai, as i've heard it is extremely effective.

basically i want to learn muay thai because i want to become fit, and the question i have is..

will i be able to lose weight, and improve my cardio fitness?

i'm 215 pounds, 5'9, and 16 years old.

My cardio fitness level is nothing amazing, it's probably under 'decent.' I'm not sure whether i will be able to 'survive' the warmup. If i start to learn muay thai, will my cardio fitness improve over time? and will i be used to the warmup as i continue learning?
You will probably lose weight if you do Muay Thai- so long as your train hard and regularly. And don't eat McDonald's 40 times a day :)

Don't worry about your cardio fitness- it will come with regular training. It is necessary in Muay Thai- and it will develop each and every workout.

You are 16 y.o- you'll adapt fairly quickly- and good luck with your journey in Muay Thai...
like meth18au said you will lose weight if you keep training and your cardio will inprove, but also for your cardio you should run when your not training, but you start off slow,

well good luck in your training and welcome to the world of muay thai its alot of fun
To be honest, I didn't lose much weight until I started running along with muay thai. The first month I started, I lost maybe 1lb. The second month, the weather started getting better. I saw other people run instead of jump roping before class, so I started running also. In the next 2 months of running about 1.8miles like 5 times a week, I lost 20lbs. But something you have to understand too, is you MUST change your diet. If you don't nothing will change. My friend and I started taking muay thai together and in fact he goes to class more often than me, and he lost maybe 10lbs. because he didn't really change his diet.
muay thai is an art that dependent on coach is very cardio orientated. I believe that asuming that you eat reasonably well you should see the weight fall at a steady pace.
you should add running/skipping to your daily routine as well as stretching daily.

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