question on Poomse


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
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How can you go to a tournament and see so many variations done to the Tae Guek poomse, if they say wtf or kukkiwon, they only have one variation. Well input is needed for I'm confused again over all these different variations that have so much more flash and they seem to be scored higher than the original set?
terryl965 said:
How can you go to a tournament and see so many variations done to the Tae Guek poomse, if they say wtf or kukkiwon, they only have one variation. Well input is needed for I'm confused again over all these different variations that have so much more flash and they seem to be scored higher than the original set?

We discussed this at the USCDKA Conference in May. Apparently, the "powers that be" change the forms (slightly) ever 4-5 years to ensure that the instructors are "up to date" on the "official" way to do the forms. It also sells the "new" forms Dvd's & books. Most instructors (GM Sell included) don't bother to try to "keep up"....which I think is good. And then there are some folks who just wanna be flashy. As for why some judges score them higher? XMA influence, I guess.:)
I've learned two and sometimes three slightly different ways to do some of the moves in the forms, and was also told that the Kukkiwon does this intentionally. However, everytime I was shown that slightly different move, it was explained what the move was. I wonder if the "flashy" guys have any idea or the basis of the change was "just 'cause".

Can you give any examples?

btw. Welcome back, Sabumnim. :)

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