Question on MT



I am interested in studying MT and hoped to get some more information. Is testing/promotion a big part? From speaking casually with some people it does not seem like it is. I would like to study MT, but I also want to feel that I am working towards a specific goal (i.e. certain rank) in addition to working drills and training. Any thoughts would be very helpful. Thanks.
Different schools have different approaches as to how they advance. Check the school out and ask the instructor their philosophy of advancing in the system.
As far as I understand with Muay Thai there are no "ranks" to speak of. You train until you are certified to fight in competition, continue training until you are certified to become an instructor.
There is lots of testing in Muay Thai. You test yourself every time you go to class. Your goal is to do better than you did the class before. There is a saying in MT that goes “The Belt is in the Ring”. A piece of cloth around your waist or a piece of paper for the wall will pale in comparison to the feeling of personal achievement you get when you bust your butt and know you did your best.

Make performance your goal!