Just wondering if any of you have heard of the International Karate Connection Association (IKCA)? There is a school here that teaches it and I am thinking of signing up.
If this is the place you are talking about: http://www.karateconnection.com/
I'd be careful. It seems that it is primarily an "International Interactive Video Home Study Program." This means that the ranking instructor may not have ever met his/her own instructor, and may not have ever had a single in-person class.
Not saying "don't do it," just "be careful". Attend a class, try to get a feel for how realistic the style is. If you don't know much about martial arts, this will be more difficult, but it's still possible to tell if a school is teaching effective technique or not.
Who is the instructor? While many don't approve of the idea of primary instruction being through video, you have obviously found one of the IKCA's many physical schools.
The system began as a physical school and was spread through the video program. The association holds several gatherings a year to ensure that all practitioners who can attend (often they are instructors with their own school) are getting and giving quality instruction in basics, techniques et cetera.
There are countless threads on this forum and other fora regarding the topic of video training. You have a school to go to, so I'd say check it out!