Question about starting a club


Blue Belt
Good day ladies and gentlemen.

In the next couple of years, I intend on having the blessing of my instructors to start a club of my own. I'm looking at setting up shop at a YMCA / YWCA or a college. I've been doing my homework on these types of organizations and what they require, but I'm looking for additional ideas on how to "dazzle" them. Based on your experiences, besides a letter from my instructors, what other things would be helpful to present to administrators to get a club started?

Thank you in advance and have a great weekend.
They may ask you about insurence be ready for that one.If you want to carry it great have some answers ready for them, if you don't plan to carry it yourself than great ask about being apart of theirs. Either way the better prepared you are the better you'll be.
Visit the Judo/ju-jutsu thread and read the posts on Inflatable Buildings as instant dojos.
They like a basic training schedule and curriculum. Doesn't have to be iron clad, every day planned type thing. Just a general over-all view of what you plan on doing there.

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