Due to some changes at work I'm considering starting a class based on the Presas Arnis systems of Modern Arnis and Kombatan Arnis. My question isn't on how to teach or what to teach etc. etc. rather it is on where to teach and how to get the space.
So for the instructors out here who teach in a rec. center or who teach by sub leasing space from a stand alone martial art school or what ever could you share some information on your approach to getting the space to teach.
I taught several years ago for a YMCA and had a bad experience with upper management changing on me every couple of months, and then switching rooms on me and such. Basically not supporting the classes. I also taught at a school where I was brought in to teach weapons defense once a month but again there wasn't the consistancy for the students to really learn since I was there for two hours month.
So I'm looking into a parks and rec type of program, and another instructor has given me a lead on a possible sub lease. Any response on the following would be appreciated.
1) How do you promote/present your class to the shcool owner/head of the rec center?
2) Do you have any problems with teaching the weapons aspect of Modern Arnis?
3) Have you had any problems with your class in regards to the leasor thinking your competing with his main art?
In the past when I have talked to someone in a Parks and Rec dept. they haven't a clue about the FMA all they know is TKD and karate. I think the weapons aspect scares them off so this is why I'm asking this on this board.
Thanks for any help.
So for the instructors out here who teach in a rec. center or who teach by sub leasing space from a stand alone martial art school or what ever could you share some information on your approach to getting the space to teach.
I taught several years ago for a YMCA and had a bad experience with upper management changing on me every couple of months, and then switching rooms on me and such. Basically not supporting the classes. I also taught at a school where I was brought in to teach weapons defense once a month but again there wasn't the consistancy for the students to really learn since I was there for two hours month.
So I'm looking into a parks and rec type of program, and another instructor has given me a lead on a possible sub lease. Any response on the following would be appreciated.
1) How do you promote/present your class to the shcool owner/head of the rec center?
2) Do you have any problems with teaching the weapons aspect of Modern Arnis?
3) Have you had any problems with your class in regards to the leasor thinking your competing with his main art?
In the past when I have talked to someone in a Parks and Rec dept. they haven't a clue about the FMA all they know is TKD and karate. I think the weapons aspect scares them off so this is why I'm asking this on this board.
Thanks for any help.