Whatever works for you. We can see that different groups in karate do different things. I myself come from a fairly 'traditional' line and style so we don't have much adornment on our uniforms and belts other than a small style badge. I do fancy a blue uniform, but <sigh> it really doesn't fit my group's culture.
So does your belt have nothing at all on it, or does it have some indication of degree? Just curious. We also have a patch on each side of the chest (one for our local class, one for our org), and our surnames embroidered on our backs. Once you achieve 1st black, you can wear any color or style of gi you want; before that it's solid black only for color belts and solid red only for brown belts (so they can spot us in a crowd and order us around.) Compared to a lot of what I see at tournaments (tons of patches, intricate embroidery, etc.), we're really plain.