Q an A

Originally posted by Seig
Mr. C,
I am not sure but I thought that I read somewhere in the Jorney, that in either the 1950's or the early 60's, that the entire system at the time only had thirty some techniques.

I'm pretty sure that Mr. Sullivan says this in Vintage Kenpo. I don't have a copy, can someone look? I think it is during voiceover during Black and White footage not during his conversations with Mr. Parker, Jr.
Originally posted by XtremeJ_AKKI
His feuds? Man, that makes Mr. Tatum sound like a pro-wrestler! :rofl:

Do you think he can whup the Untertaker? :confused:


*LOL...nah...I was a purple belt when I saw his tapes. struggling, trying to get the moves right. I bought and borrowed some tapes of other instructors, then I saw Tatum. (BTW, at that time I had not seen SGM Parker on tape yet) and I thot, yeah, now I see what i should be targeting my techniques to be.

and yes kenpo is different for each person, but you should see him. He does move like SGM Parker, what can i say?*L

and..this is just my opinion.
Originally posted by Ender
*LOL...nah...I was a purple belt when I saw his tapes. struggling, trying to get the moves right. I bought and borrowed some tapes of other instructors, then I saw Tatum. (BTW, at that time I had not seen SGM Parker on tape yet) and I thot, yeah, now I see what i should be targeting my techniques to be.

and yes kenpo is different for each person, but you should see him. He does move like SGM Parker, what can i say?*L

and..this is just my opinion.

Well, I hate to say it's obvious I feel the same way about the man, I've been with him 13 years and he still WOWS me all the time with his knowledge, physical skills, and sheer projection of the art. Watch Locking Horns on the Orange Belt tape and watch me take a hard shot to the chin, only problem was he barely moved and it hit me like a train.

Have a great Kenpo day

What curriculum do the tapes follow? i.e. is there a listing somewhere of which techniques are presented on each tape?


Originally posted by satans.barber
What curriculum do the tapes follow? i.e. is there a listing somewhere of which techniques are presented on each tape?



We do the 24 system as outlined in Infinite Insights. You can ck Larry's website at www.ltatum.com and get the info. Each tape has 12 techs on it and they are about an hour long, some more, some less. Really good tapes for learning new material to be worked on with an instructor and they act as an artificial memory. I can't tell you how many times I used the tapes when I was learning the extensions to green.

Have a great Kenpo day

Thanks Clyde, our syllabus is in a totally different order, so I'll have to see if I can find a tape that's got quite a lot of our techniques on. They do seem to come highly recommended by pretty much everyoen!

Hmm, I've printed off a big list of the EPAK 24 syllabus, and gone through it highlighting all the techniques that we do in Kempo Ryu - I think there's enough similarity to warrant getting some tapes (we do 62 out of the 96 techniques in Orange to Green, and then less so after that).

I had a look at Master Tatum's site, and also the BKRU site where they're sold, but neither place lists which 12 techniques are on which volume, and I could really do with knowing (since the ones that I don't do from each belt could fall on one particular volume). I've seen the 24 techniques written in a different order for each belt that's all, in different places (the list on Master Tatum's site seem to have some duplicates and ommissions in as well).

If someone could be really kind and tell me which techniques are on Orange Vol 1, Purple Vol 1, Blue Vol 1 and Green Vol 1, I can work out the rest by process of elimination...I'd be really really grateful :)


Originally posted by satans.barber
Hmm, I've printed off a big list of the EPAK 24 syllabus, and gone through it highlighting all the techniques that we do in Kempo Ryu - I think there's enough similarity to warrant getting some tapes (we do 62 out of the 96 techniques in Orange to Green, and then less so after that).

I had a look at Master Tatum's site, and also the BKRU site where they're sold, but neither place lists which 12 techniques are on which volume, and I could really do with knowing (since the ones that I don't do from each belt could fall on one particular volume). I've seen the 24 techniques written in a different order for each belt that's all, in different places (the list on Master Tatum's site seem to have some duplicates and ommissions in as well).

If someone could be really kind and tell me which techniques are on Orange Vol 1, Purple Vol 1, Blue Vol 1 and Green Vol 1, I can work out the rest by process of elimination...I'd be really really grateful :)



Look at the list in order and the first 12 are on the 1st tape and the 2nd tape contains the last 12.

Have a great Kenpo day

Ah, OK, if Master Tatum's written them i the same order as the tapes then that's fine, it was just with them being in a different order on some other sites, I wasn't sure.

Thanks Clyde,

Hello Mr. Conatser

I have a question for you regarding the hand gesture when signaling a form. Since I have seen it done either way, can you tell me what Mr. Parker shared with you? Here is the question.

When signaling your form do you use the right hand to signal with the left hand being the backdrop or vice versa?

Thank You.
Originally posted by KenpoIsIt
When signaling your form do you use the right hand to signal with the left hand being the backdrop or vice versa?
Thank You.

Done correctly... you start each form with the left hand (at your left side or waist) as the back hand with the right hand signaling what form it is (short or bent finger/s for short forms and long finger/s for the long forms), [note: the fingers never touch the back hand] then mirrored to the right side, then continued up and out into the warrior/scholar salutation portion and beyond till the finish.

I'm not a hogan fan nor have I ever met/talked/seen Mr. Tatum but my money would be on Mr. Tatum laying the smack down on the undertaker.:D
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Get real...........it's the NWO all the way, don't you forget it!:cool:
Originally posted by Goldendragon7
The Aussiemanian Devil!!

(pic coming soon)

Now you're in trouble! The Tessmanian Devil is perturbed that you are giving parts of her name away~!

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