Blue Belt
The workout week I've been trying to do goes like this: Sunday - 1hr. stationary bike at cardio pace Monday - Weight training Tuesday - TKD Wednesday - Weight training Thursday - TKD Friday - off Saturday - Weight training I've been trying to to this 5 sets of 5 routine during weight training that uses exercises that work many muscle groups. Exercises such as squats, deadlifts and bench presses. I've had problems with sticking with this because I feel I don't recover as fast as I used to. Our instructor wants us to begin ramping up our physical training in class including situps and pushups for our eventual upper belt tests. For this reasons he wants us to work on those exercises outside of class. I've heard varying reports of what's required for a BB test from 100 pushups to "it's just insane". My question is, should I continue to do bench presses. Substitute sets of pushups for bench presses on my weight training days, trying to do some combination of both? I feel that bench pressing certainly helps build muscle for pushups, but does nothing for adding scores of them to my count. Thanks.