

MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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A horrid rant.

About 2 years ago my Dog Died. He was the best dog I ever owned, a mutt, 1/2 german shepard, 1/2 pitbull. I had him for 13 years. I have recently decided I want another dog. But not any dog, I want a puppy... and I have a few specific breeds in mind.

Mindfull of everyone's warnings to avoid Pet Stores and Puppy Mills, I began searching the web, and reading the paper, looking into rescue shelters and legitimate breeders...

What I have discovered is that this whole process is EXTREMELY frustrating.

The shelters want you to fill out so much paperwork, to evaluate your job, to come inspect your home, to know everyone who stays there, might stay there, may have stayed there in the past... IF they let you have a puppy they reserve teh right to take it back, make supprise "spot checks" within the first year of ownership, take a blood and urine sample from the prospective owner, and have a contract against your soul in case you forget to walk it once... Sheesh.

The breeders are not much better, as are next to impossible to find unless you know someone who knows someone etc etc, or are willing to pay to have the airline fly a puppy to you sight unseen... and then when you do find a breeder, they want 1000+ dollars for a dog because its "AKC" quality breeding stock with more papers on it than my loan application for my house, and a Microchip implant.

What the @#!% happened to PETS??? And they wonder why "Puppy Mills" can stay in buisness... I am READY to go to those pet stores now...
My God! It shouldn't be that hard!I feel for you man.Have you decided to go with a specific breed, or will you still consider a mutt?If you will consider a mutt, I suggest looking in the newspaper for puppies " free to a good home". Good Luck, I hope you find one.The best people crave a dogs companionship.
Technopunk said:
A horrid rant.

About 2 years ago my Dog Died. He was the best dog I ever owned, a mutt, 1/2 german shepard, 1/2 pitbull. I had him for 13 years. I have recently decided I want another dog. But not any dog, I want a puppy... and I have a few specific breeds in mind.

Mindfull of everyone's warnings to avoid Pet Stores and Puppy Mills, I began searching the web, and reading the paper, looking into rescue shelters and legitimate breeders...

What I have discovered is that this whole process is EXTREMELY frustrating.

The shelters want you to fill out so much paperwork, to evaluate your job, to come inspect your home, to know everyone who stays there, might stay there, may have stayed there in the past... IF they let you have a puppy they reserve teh right to take it back, make supprise "spot checks" within the first year of ownership, take a blood and urine sample from the prospective owner, and have a contract against your soul in case you forget to walk it once... Sheesh.

The breeders are not much better, as are next to impossible to find unless you know someone who knows someone etc etc, or are willing to pay to have the airline fly a puppy to you sight unseen... and then when you do find a breeder, they want 1000+ dollars for a dog because its "AKC" quality breeding stock with more papers on it than my loan application for my house, and a Microchip implant.

What the @#!% happened to PETS??? And they wonder why "Puppy Mills" can stay in buisness... I am READY to go to those pet stores now...

Get you another girlfriend, or mistress. It's alot less hassle than what you're going through now. :asian:
Check the local pound, spca, or shelters. I think you were referring to the rescues. The people that run the rescues typically act is if everyone in the world is out to harm the animals.
Seig said:
Check the local pound, spca, or shelters. I think you were referring to the rescues. The people that run the rescues typically act is if everyone in the world is out to harm the animals.

Yeah, I considered this, but I had a bad experience a few years back with the local shelter. I have not ruled it out, however.

Getting a dog as a puppy is a concern, however, as I want to train the dog to protect my home, and person. So of course having a properly socialized dog with the right temperment is important, and an older dog may not be as suitible for that. Thats the main reason I want a puppy, I want to socialize it around kids and other dogs, so it is not mean.
Are you looking for a guard dog or a watch dog. The difference in job specs can make a lot of difference in the breed. Considering that the last one you had was a shephard/pit mix I assume you're looking for a guard. If you're looking for a watch dog (all bark and no bite so to speak) a bassett is great. They are generally great with anyone who'd visit your house so worrying about having an invited guest attacked (been there done that with a boxer) is low but anyone that gets close to the house will be announced to you. I know how you feel about all the paperwork with the rescue missions. We have a greyhound rescue in our area that puts people through a bigger hassle than adopting a child. It's a real put off for a lot of people that could give a good home to a dog. Good luck in your search.
well, here's a thought...Check the newspaper, or go to your local Flea Market and ask where the pet seller's section is...I have gotten pets from the flea market and they have been great at a semi-affordable price. I think we payed 120 for one dog and 150-200 for the other. That was the first time we ever payed for a dog and that was because my mom couldn't resist.

The newspaper is even better than the humane society or any of that. You can check out just about any breed, pedigree or non, and usually you get a large pick from the litters. I'd say the newspaper is your best bet because you won't have to pay even the flea market breeder prices. So check the newspaper first.

Hope this helps...!:)

I've had bad experiences with the pound myself. They gave us a dog that was its own uncle and nephew if you know what I mean. It was dead within a year. :vu:
ShaolinWolf said:
well, here's a thought...Check the newspaper, or go to your local Flea Market and ask where the pet seller's section is...I have gotten pets from the flea market and they have been great at a semi-affordable price. I think we payed 120 for one dog and 150-200 for the other. That was the first time we ever payed for a dog and that was because my mom couldn't resist.

The newspaper is even better than the humane society or any of that. You can check out just about any breed, pedigree or non, and usually you get a large pick from the litters. I'd say the newspaper is your best bet because you won't have to pay even the flea market breeder prices. So check the newspaper first.

Hope this helps...!:)


Thanks, yeah, I have been checking the papers in the area... the price range of the puppies in the paper fluctuate quite a bit... ive seen dogs in there for $1500.00+ which seems incredibly stupid for a dog... but what do I know. My family had a champion show dog when I was younger and it cost them $200.00, I guess inflation killed even the dog market, no?
I have always wanted to see a pitbull/chuaua mix. The sire would have to be one very brave and determined Chuaua; however, imagine the market for Chuauas that take ankle biting to a much higher level.
Seig said:
Check the local pound, spca, or shelters. I think you were referring to the rescues. The people that run the rescues typically act is if everyone in the world is out to harm the animals.

hey seig you wouldn't believe the run around we got from the jefferson and berkley animal shelters....like my home isn't animal welcome...ha are animals are fed better than the people some days. when we were looking for a small dog for my grandmother we did the shelters, the pounds, online breeders, finally we resorted to the old fashion way and bought a newspaper....the woman that we got an AKC registered pup, for a really good price....the lady that ran the place probably was running a sort of puppy mill but the dogs were all well taken care of and healthy...it has become extremely rediculious to find any animal especially if you're wanting a specific breed. personally i think the mutts at least at our house are the best dogs, except for my cocker that past back in June, 16 years old :( ...good luck Technopunk, trust me you'll need it, but with all the hassle i'm sure you'll find a good dog and give it a loving home.
Technopunk said:
Thanks, yeah, I have been checking the papers in the area... the price range of the puppies in the paper fluctuate quite a bit
I misread that as Flatulate. I really should read more carefully
Good luck though.
Hi Tech, I just read this thread and laughed. Sorry, I know its not funny for you and stressful to look for a new dog. I have had my poodle - a poopul a mix between a people and a poodle for 13 years. I had three other dogs. I would hate to have to go through what you have to-to find a new pup. But even these poopuls don't live past 17-18. I bought her in LA for 700 AKC and that was when she was a pup. Yikes to think what they go for now. I haven't looked.

You might want to try small neighboring towns, prices are less, come from families, some small newspapers are on line too. Good Luck and please let us know if you find one! I couldn't go long before I had to start over, so I feel for you.
As a dog trainer I'm a firm believer in getting a puppy at eight weeks old. Our local pound takes at least that long to check you out. I don't want sixteen week old puppies. Been there done that. I spend the bucks and get my dogs from reputable breeders. (No pet stores!)
Used to private breed Shih-Tzu's, then Dobies. Moved in with the G-friend, and she had a remarkable little poople who just recently passed. Way to get over it? Get 3 dogs! (gods, whatazoo).

Anyway, it sounds like it's worse out there than here (left coast). I can pick up the papewrs, and be in copntact with a breeder about 1hr away. One of the last Dobies I had was an awesome little Saluki/Dobie mix, whose grandfather was saluki, bred into the dobie mix to svelte out the lines a bit. Takes a couple of generation of those pups breeding back in to pure strain dobe's before the AKC welcomes the strain back as "pure", but in the mean time, there are some awesome blend pups that go for a song.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, find the breeders in the area who...rather than breeding straight breed-to-breed until the family tree is a straight line...they mix in other breeds for traits once in awhile. Those 1st couple gens are "junk" breeds, and they usually just want them off their property for like, 75.00/ea., keeping the one they want to use for breeding. Good way to find them is "code" in the papers...will say something like "breeder"..."1/2 pit, 1/2 elk", or whatever. Then you can ge them at an impresssionable age.



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