Public Transportation

Public Transportation Usage

  • Yes, I know how to use the bus/train lines

    Votes: 16 66.7%
  • No, I dont know how to use the bus/train lines

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Yes, I know how but would NEVER use them

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Yes, I know how to use them but would only in an emergency.

    Votes: 5 20.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Step 1. Get on the bus at your point of departure
Step 2. Pay for the service you are about to recieve
Step 3. Sit on the bus as it travels from that point to your destination
Step 4. Get off the bus once it reaches your target destination

Its complicated I know, but im sure with the right support and training he will eventually come to the level of mastery required to Take the Bus.
The challenge can be figuring out which bus you need. Take a look here; pick a route at random. Don't forget that there are local bus systems, as well, which overlap in places, and may or may not transfer fares to the Metro. I used the public transit system to get to work several years back. My daily commute involved a local bus (after getting a lift to that stop), the subway, and Metrobus. Time? About an hour and a half or so. Travel time to drive myself? About 30 minutes. Which is another issue about the public transit system... You're on their schedule. Which can be a problem as more people are working more erratic hours -- and there's the whole issue of emergency trips home or mid-day errands.
Yes. We were there on vac. a few months ago. Went down to see 'old Vegas' and other sites in that area. The cabs...well, I felt like I was robbed by the time I got to my destination. LOL.

Lol MJS! Robbed is such a harsh word. Think of it more as a generous contribution to my taxes.
Y'all come back. Baby needs new shoes!

Anyway, back to topic, yes the public transportation between the Strip and Fremiont St. has a pretty good setup and the bus is the only way to go. It's the rest of Vegas that the transportation system is almost non existent.
Depends on where you live. Cities like Washington DC have good subway systems. Meanwhile, the bus system in Dallas is pretty appalling to take to work. When I was working in Dallas, I once thought it would be a neat thing to take the bus and save the drive time for reading or doing some work. I was wrong. It regularly took me 2 hours each way to go from Plano, a suburb, to downtown Dallas. I gave up after a week.
I've had problems with the Dallas Trasnsit system myself and have lost good jobs because of them. Once with a 45 min commute the bus was horribly inconsistent with the timing. Granted I lived roughly near the outer limits of that particular line but invariably the bus would be 10 minutes early or 10-20 minutes late or not even there at all and I'd have to wait for the next one which is anywhere between 45 minutes to an hour... add that to the commute time and I'm a good 2 hours late for work.
My boss was getting pretty frustrated with me and thought I was just using them as an excuse for sleeping in.
Got to where I got up on time (as usual) and walked out the door and from that vantage point I could see my stop roughly 2 blocks away... there was the bus... pulling out to head into town. I ran of course and waved like a madman trying to escape a nuclear blast but to no avail.
So, instead of calling work I called the bus company and demanded to speak to a stupidvisor. Told them they would have to call my boss and tell him why I was going to be late for work.
Supervisor looked into it and discovered yes the bus was indeed too early on that route and thus cost me my commute. They called my boss. He essentially called me a smart *** and put me to my station. I was fired a couple weeks later because... you guessed it... the bus.

If a transit system has it's I's dotted and it's T's crossed then they can be a fine thing to use. If not... they're a pain in the ***.
Have we become so dependant on having our own cars that you never bothered to learn?

When I was in China I did use public transportation and when I go back I will again because driving there scares the hell out of me.

As for here in the US I tend to not use public transportation at all but if I had to I could figure it out ;).
Lol MJS! Robbed is such a harsh word. Think of it more as a generous contribution to my taxes.
Y'all come back. Baby needs new shoes!

Anyway, back to topic, yes the public transportation between the Strip and Fremiont St. has a pretty good setup and the bus is the only way to go. It's the rest of Vegas that the transportation system is almost non existent.

Oh, I do plan on coming back. We had an awesome time!! It was my first time much to do and see. IMO, if yu're visiting there, and ya get bored, theres something seriously wrong. LOL.

We did alot of walking, using the bus for what I mentioned, and the cabs for to get to the Stratosphere for dinner, and to the speedway for my 'driving experience.' :D
Oh, I do plan on coming back. We had an awesome time!! It was my first time much to do and see. IMO, if yu're visiting there, and ya get bored, theres something seriously wrong. LOL.

We did alot of walking, using the bus for what I mentioned, and the cabs for to get to the Stratosphere for dinner, and to the speedway for my 'driving experience.' :D

There is certainly alot to see and do here and a single trip won't even get you close. Feel free to look me up next trip. I'll show you some things that the bus route won't cover.
The mass transit in my last city was pretty good - anywhere I needed to go, there was a route for it. Even the paratransit system worked decently well.

My issue was that every route I needed went through some ghetto. It's not a slam on poor people or poor neighborhoods, but there was no shortage of screaming teenagers on their way home from the mall, drunks who reeked of urine, and stressed-out single parents dragging a month of groceries in one hand and squalling toddlers in the other. I caught chicken pox from one of them at the age of 28. I was never harassed for some reason, although some of my friends have horror stories. A big issue for me is that I cannot read or do anything requiring focus on any kind of a moving vehicle without making the ride miserable for everyone else. It takes most of the tuning-out activities out of the picture.

The last time I rode the bus was one night at the airport after a long flight. My friend wasn't able to pick me up, but the bus route went straight from the airport to my street. It was a 90% discount off a taxi, and the late hour made for a quiet ride.

In the larger picture flying sucks, and Greyhound is passable in a bus that isn't full. I've never had any complaints with Amtrak or any other train line. I'm overjoyed at the proliferation of bicycle trails and bike-friendly policies nationwide. I usually drive. :cool:
Here is Cleveland the train lines get alot of riders during rush hours, the buses not so much. Its a straight shot into town and there is no cost to park your vehicle. The train is prolly the best to get to Downtown as many communiters have discovered, and with the cost of parking your vehicle you come out a winner. Its after rush hours that you get the unwashed masses.
Most recently I used it when I was in Vegas. They actually have Transit people standing by at all of the bus stops. They were more than helpful, even providing me with a map of all the stops. Vegas has 2 buses that run, one stopping more than the other.

I'll tell ya wife and I saved a hell of alot of money using the bus for that 1 day, vs. a cab.

I'd imagine it may be a bit confusing for someone who's never used it before, hwoever, asking a few simple questions goes a long way. :)

That must be a new thing, transit folks standing at the bus stops. I took the bus the first time I visited Vegas from Downtown to The Strip. Downtown was still a toilet back then and the bus turn around was by the post office which was a popular place for the street folks to hangout. It WAS cheaper than a cab, even moreso for me as I badged the driver and he honored my Transit Police badge and ID.

The new monorail they put in between the hotels is even better. They should have extended it to Downtown.
There is certainly alot to see and do here and a single trip won't even get you close.

I agree. I hated to leave and easily could've spent another week, but that thing called work forced me to return. LOL.

Feel free to look me up next trip. I'll show you some things that the bus route won't cover.

Will do. Thanks. :)
That must be a new thing, transit folks standing at the bus stops. I took the bus the first time I visited Vegas from Downtown to The Strip. Downtown was still a toilet back then and the bus turn around was by the post office which was a popular place for the street folks to hangout. It WAS cheaper than a cab, even moreso for me as I badged the driver and he honored my Transit Police badge and ID.

The new monorail they put in between the hotels is even better. They should have extended it to Downtown.

No idea if thats new or not. On a few of the buses I got on, there was an armed security officer riding as well. Hey, if it means keeping the peace on the bus, fine with me. :)
Now here is some public transportation, which may actually be coming to Beijing, that looks really cool that really scares the hell out of me... and if you look at the passengers... in China... apparently no Chinese ride it

There is even a film in Chinese (in English)
STORY TIME: A traffic court judge up here took the license away from a middle aged offender and didnt grant work privledges because of his attitude. After only 2 days on the RTA( our bus lines) the male returned to court and submitted in writing an apology and verbally begged the judge for work privledges,which was granted. "Please dont subject me to riding the RTA for 6 months, its terrible". Seems to get to work by 9 am he had to start riding the buses at about 7 am..
Here's another story:

The paratransit system in my city killed a passenger last year. They had an elderly woman in a wheelchair on the lift to be hoisted into the bus. The driver attached the seatbelt wrong, knocking her chair backward onto the pavement below. She hit the pavement with the back of her head and died within hours.
Had a discusson with friend of a friend that needed to get Downtown and his car was out of service,I told him to take the bus. He just looked at me like I was crazy and said " I wouldn't know how". Even before my stint with the Transit Police I knew how to use the buses if the need was great. Does anybody else know how to use public transportation?

Have we become so dependant on having our own cars that you never bothered to learn?

I have no idea about how to use public transportation. I've only been on a bus twice with friends both times and I just recently went on a train for the first time with the same friends to Chinatown. I don't like to use it and if I didn't have my friends with me I would be clueless. I rely on my car.