Public no-touch demo


Yellow Belt
May 11, 2022
Reaction score
Hey there,

I'm looking for rational explanations of this demo from Paul Dong.

Unlike other fake no-touch demos, subjects seem to be random people attending a seminar instead of compliant students or accomplices. If they were accomplices the evidence is not apparent from the video. Paul only worked with subjects that are "sensitive", asking them to not resist. Maybe hypnotism is involved. The trick is obviously useless for self-defense and fighting. You can't test if Mike Tyson is sensitive before he punches you in the face.

If you think the act demonstrates some unknown force please offer simple, rational evidence. Cryptic words like "inner energy" are not credible or helpful.

If you think the act is just stage magician tricks please don't bring up $1 million JREF prize as proof. That topic has been beaten to death in many other places. Randy and Paul Dong have passed on.

Well, I will say what I always say.... he has done one thing...successfully taught people to fall down on I go with fake
asking them to not resist.
If you

- keep your base small.
- close your eyes.
- don't think about your knees and belly.
- try to look your eyes through the back of your head (use your imagination).
- when your body start to vibrate, try not to stop it.

You will walk like a zombie within a short period of time.

Back in 1980, someone would charge you $450 for this.
Hey there,

I'm looking for rational explanations of this demo from Paul Dong.

Unlike other fake no-touch demos, subjects seem to be random people attending a seminar instead of compliant students or accomplices. If they were accomplices the evidence is not apparent from the video. Paul only worked with subjects that are "sensitive", asking them to not resist. Maybe hypnotism is involved. The trick is obviously useless for self-defense and fighting. You can't test if Mike Tyson is sensitive before he punches you in the face.

If you think the act demonstrates some unknown force please offer simple, rational evidence. Cryptic words like "inner energy" are not credible or helpful.

If you think the act is just stage magician tricks please don't bring up $1 million JREF prize as proof. That topic has been beaten to death in many other places. Randy and Paul Dong have passed on.

You still have to test things under specific circumstances. And he didn't. I can show evidence of psychic powers or even magic if I was allowed a video demonstration of a room full of random people.
Hey there,

I'm looking for rational explanations of this demo from Paul Dong.

Unlike other fake no-touch demos, subjects seem to be random people attending a seminar instead of compliant students or accomplices. If they were accomplices the evidence is not apparent from the video. Paul only worked with subjects that are "sensitive", asking them to not resist. Maybe hypnotism is involved. The trick is obviously useless for self-defense and fighting. You can't test if Mike Tyson is sensitive before he punches you in the face.

If you think the act demonstrates some unknown force please offer simple, rational evidence. Cryptic words like "inner energy" are not credible or helpful.

If you think the act is just stage magician tricks please don't bring up $1 million JREF prize as proof. That topic has been beaten to death in many other places. Randy and Paul Dong have passed on.
Definitely 'random' non planted people. 0 chance they set it up beforehand. 0 I say.
There are also a lot of very susceptible/gullible people out there. Use enough prior persuasion and you can make them do a lot more extreme things than get "knocked out".

Derren Brown has demonstrated this kind of thing time and time again. If you have never seen any of his TV shows, definitely go check him out. He's done all sorts of things; manipulating people so that they push someone off a building thinking they are killing them, getting a racist to take a bullet for a black person, convincing people he can speak to their dead relatives, faith healing etc. Anything that is being explained by mystical power is a scam, you just need to work out where the manipulation is going on.

Sometimes this stuff is patsies, but the really good performers, like Derren Brown, make the people believe it, and they can come away with a genuinely positive experience, even though it was all fake. Sometimes he'll even tell people it is fake before hand, but they still believe it!
"once Master Dong detects who is sensitive to his energy, he begins a series of demonstrations..all he asks from them is not to resist".

This is basic psych, man. Students are often enthralled to their instructor, and the more they want, they more they'll do.

Ever seen the movie "Slalom"? Or "The Wolf of Wall Street"? This is the dark side of Qi, but it's real all right. The darkest magic.