Proud of my student


El Conquistador nim!
MT Mentor
MTS Alumni
Nov 7, 2005
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
I took a 10 year old student (green belt) to his first tournament today. (International TKD fest in the City of Industry, CA) He made a good showing for himself & placed 3rd. But I have to tell you about something I witnessed while he was training for this tournament that makes me very proud & amazed by him.

On Thursday, we were in his back yard by his pool practicing his form over & over. His dad & 18 month old sister were also in the back yard. We're working on his form over & over & he's focused. Mid-way through Tae Guek Sa Jang for the 12th time, his little sister gets too close to the pool & falls in. Before I (or his dad) realize what happened, he jumps in & gets her!. He hands me his sister (who is fine, but scared) & I hand her to dad. My student climbs out of the pool soaking wet, goes back to his position & immediately does the form as good as he'd done it all day! He contined for the rest of the session dripping wet & still focused on training.

He's a pretty amazing kid!
Sounds like that boy deserves some recognition! Fantastic job on his part!
Sounds like he understands how to be a leader. Great job.
ou've got a veyr impressive student shoul dbe proud. Heck, yesterday at practice, we had the kids workin gon poomse and I'd randomly make off hand comments to them ("I wonder what's for dinner? Maybe we'll eat hotdogs.", etc.) and that distraction oftne proved enough to shake their oncentration and performance....saving someone from the pool and then getting back to it is astounding ot say the least!

Sounds like a great kid with a great future, in TKD and out - thanks for sharing!
I am jealous. Some of my kids I can't get to pay attention with no distraction.
Sounds like a good kid with good parents and a good instructor. :asian:
I took a 10 year old student (green belt) to his first tournament today. (International TKD fest in the City of Industry, CA) He made a good showing for himself & placed 3rd. But I have to tell you about something I witnessed while he was training for this tournament that makes me very proud & amazed by him.

On Thursday, we were in his back yard by his pool practicing his form over & over. His dad & 18 month old sister were also in the back yard. We're working on his form over & over & he's focused. Mid-way through Tae Guek Sa Jang for the 12th time, his little sister gets too close to the pool & falls in. Before I (or his dad) realize what happened, he jumps in & gets her!. He hands me his sister (who is fine, but scared) & I hand her to dad. My student climbs out of the pool soaking wet, goes back to his position & immediately does the form as good as he'd done it all day! He contined for the rest of the session dripping wet & still focused on training.

He's a pretty amazing kid!
Awesome story and congrats on his placing at the tourney.