Protocol Help... About a GIRL.


MTS Alumni
Heh heh. I feel like such a dink here... but oh well, here goes...

I met this girl from Osaka a few days ago... and we got along pretty good. She gave me her phone number back in Japan, and like an Idiot, I never bothered to ask for an address or anything to write her...

So I am thinking about giving her a call... but lemme tell you, the cultural barrier has me a bit, er, nervous? about just calling... Not to mention my Japanese is all but non-exsistant. HEr english was OK, but I mean, I don't want to call and EXPECT her to just chat with me in english... I sorta just want to get her address so I can write to her...

Whats the proper thing to do here? Should I just call? Is there some cultural thing I need to be aware of... I guess is it APPROPRIATE for me to do???

I hope one of you is more of an expert on this sort of thing than me...
She wouldn't have given you her number if she didn't want you to call. So go ahead!

On the other hand, does she live with her parents? That could be a different can of worms. RyuShihkan is the expert in this department.......
Originally posted by yilisifu
She wouldn't have given you her number if she didn't want you to call. So go ahead!

On the other hand, does she live with her parents? That could be a different can of worms. RyuShihkan is the expert in this department.......

If it's a local call for RyuShihkan, maybe you could ask him to call
for you. Since he's married :p , and speaks the language.
1) Nearly everyone in Japan carries a cell phone... If she is a teenager, triple the chance that it is her cell number, and therefore you won't have to really be worried about mum and da picking up the phone...

2) Where did you meet her? In Osaka or outside of Japan? If outside of Japan, and her English is good, then feel free to converse with her in English (since she must already know you aren't fluent in Japanese).

3) As for "culturally appropriate," like Sifu said, if she gave you her digits, ring the girl! If you don't, you only have yourself to blame.

And just a suggestion... refrain from referring to yourself or anyone else as a "dink," since that is one of about a dozen cultural epithets for Asians (I think it stems from the Korean war era...). Maybe nobody else will notice it, but then again I did...

Good luck.

Originally posted by Yiliquan1
If she is a teenager...

Where did you meet her... If outside of Japan, and her English is good, then feel free to converse with her in English...

As for "culturally appropriate," like Sifu said, if she gave you her digits, ring the girl! If you don't, you only have yourself to blame.

And just a suggestion... refrain from referring to yourself or anyone else as a "dink," since that is one of about a dozen cultural epithets for Asians (I think it stems from the Korean war era...). Maybe nobody else will notice it, but then again I did...

Good luck.


Heh... OOPS. Well, Around here we've always used Dink to mean the same thing as Dork+Geek combined, I apologise if that offended anyone... That is how I meant it, not racially.

She's not a teen, she's 26. I met her while we were both Vacationing in Las Vegas, Nevada, last week. We sort of "ran into" each other and hit it off. Her english is OK, not great. Better than my Japanese.

And as far as culturaly appropriate, I basicaly just dont know if there is a "Protocol" involved in calling her... Somthing that should be said, should not be said... I dont know if I should treat this like any girl I would meet and call here, or if It requires somthing altogether different. Again, when it comes to the culture thing, I just dont know, and that's what worries me. My ex-girlfriend is Japanese as well, and I debated asking her, but well... even tho we are still "friends" I can see her possibly giving me advice that would end up making this backfire on me... Heh heh.
Most modern Japanese are pretty hip. Just don't use words like Nip, Dink, Slope, and the like. And don't mention Hiroshima. Other than that, you're fine.
if she was over here, she's obviously familiar enough with western culture. just pick up the phone. girls get annoyed if you wait too long to call. lol.