Heh heh. I feel like such a dink here... but oh well, here goes...
I met this girl from Osaka a few days ago... and we got along pretty good. She gave me her phone number back in Japan, and like an Idiot, I never bothered to ask for an address or anything to write her...
So I am thinking about giving her a call... but lemme tell you, the cultural barrier has me a bit, er, nervous? about just calling... Not to mention my Japanese is all but non-exsistant. HEr english was OK, but I mean, I don't want to call and EXPECT her to just chat with me in english... I sorta just want to get her address so I can write to her...
Whats the proper thing to do here? Should I just call? Is there some cultural thing I need to be aware of... I guess is it APPROPRIATE for me to do???
I hope one of you is more of an expert on this sort of thing than me...
I met this girl from Osaka a few days ago... and we got along pretty good. She gave me her phone number back in Japan, and like an Idiot, I never bothered to ask for an address or anything to write her...
So I am thinking about giving her a call... but lemme tell you, the cultural barrier has me a bit, er, nervous? about just calling... Not to mention my Japanese is all but non-exsistant. HEr english was OK, but I mean, I don't want to call and EXPECT her to just chat with me in english... I sorta just want to get her address so I can write to her...
Whats the proper thing to do here? Should I just call? Is there some cultural thing I need to be aware of... I guess is it APPROPRIATE for me to do???
I hope one of you is more of an expert on this sort of thing than me...