Priority list of motives for training.


Senior Master
I read this post that Sin wrote in the thread on teens in the School management page and thought that his listing by order of personal importance was a good thing for me/anyone to do so that I/we might really understand our goals/expectations from training.


personally as a teen i keep myself going a few ways.

1.) My inner demons. (i have a lot of them and MA keeps them at bay.)

2.) Martial Arts movies (theres nothing like trying to reenact Neo vs simith, well trying to anyways)

3.) Tournaments (I got to TKD Mcdojo tournaments and it feels good when i get to show off and win a couple trophys)

4.) Massage therpy (my MA class offers this and i wanna make the woman I marry happy one day, and also its an ice braker with some girls wile dating, or at school)

5.) bad people (the need to protect myself, others and property.

Now, I don't know for sure whether these are listed in order of importance, but here would be my priority list for training in decending order of importance:

1. Self Defense focused training.
2. Balanced technical and tactical skill development, so that I can 'shoot/move/communicate' well AND can coordinate and combine those skills appropriately in crisis situations.
3. Fitness: "fit to fight" but more realistically, joint stability/endurance/range of motion/coordination.... to avoid repetetive stress injuries and impact/strain injuries from prolonged training.
4. Social/'like minded' affiliations. It is nice to share a goal and work as a group toward accomplishing that goal as a TEAM/FAMILY.

There may be more, but that is all that comes to mind for now.

Any one else want to jump into the "Priority POOL?"
They are all pretty equal...and I am glad can can be your insperation for a seemingly great thread
Having fun, I enjoy what I do and wouldn't do it otherwise.

Physical fitness

Mental excercise - I enjoy the strategic elements of fighting / sparring.
Andrew Green said:
Having fun, I enjoy what I do and wouldn't do it otherwise.
I don't really think of it as 'fun' too much anymore. I always forget to mention that part of it.

I do find it 'fulfilling' and 'satisfying' and something that I enjoy doing, but it isn't 'fun' when I am icing my hand after an especially rigerous joint lock session or feel the body abuse of an intense workout the day after.

I do find going through that process of

identifying/facing the challenge (pain, internal laziness, fatigue, an opponent, fear....),
coming up with a plan (either just keep on keeping on because tradition works sometimes, or assessing and applying a variation of somekind.)
and then observing how it worked/didn't work and learning from it a fulfilling process.

I do have fun, but for some reason don't look at it as 'fun.'

Just me.
I find it extreamly fun just trading punches back and forth, and banging shins together attempting a kick or preforming a take down wile sparring. Muahahaha I love it
Priorities for training in the dojang, in order of importance;
(1) Challenge, both physically and mentally, makes me feel alive
(2) Physical fitness, could do exercise or TKD at home, but cannot practice sparring, etc. with no partner and is more motivating
(3) Teaching, gives me great rewards to see help others, encourage others, give back what TKD has given me.
(4) Self-Defense
(5) Friends - but found that the black belt, or the high belt either, does not indicate the integrity of the person. TW
Great topic. Here are mine.

1. Protection - Being able to protect myself and loved ones. I like the idea that no matter what happens I have a decent chance at making out vs. being a victim. It also gives me confidence in other facets of life.

2. Love for my craft - I love everything about Kenpo. The aggressiveness of it, the physical contact, just everything in general. It's hard to put into words.

3. Family - For the first 10 years of my training I really didn't experience this at all, although I have made a few really good friends along the way. But after finding my teacher/school 3 years ago and joining the UKF they've become family. I have never been surrounded by so many good, honest, like minded people. And also some of the best damn Kenpoist I've ever met!

1) Better health--I've been looking so long for something to get me into shape and I've really found it.
2) Self defense--it's good to know that I'm not only getting in better shape but also learning to defend myself.
3) Enjoyment--I just love everything about going to class and learning more about my art.
4) Mental Development--I'm sure most MA's are like this, but I feel it helps me become a better person, and I KNOW I have a better sense of self-worth.
5) Competetion--Nothing like some good ole' healthy competition!
Have to admit at first it was kicking :moon:
now i am just thankfull that it helped me grow past that and has made me a better person.
Self defense was the reason I got started but some of the reasons I continue to train are: (in no particular order) Physical fitness; to challenge myself; Fun (there's some sick, sadistic pleasure in knowing how to do all this nasty stuff); comraderie; the "coolness" factor (all the neat techniques & forms).
For the pure,unadulterated bliss of hurling someone through the air....:) and being thrown.

Self defense
Self Improvement
Preservation of my sanity(although that's debatable):uhyeah:
The feeling of "connecting" with the past
Because it never stops
The reasons have changed over time somewhat for me as well. To begin with, it was all about self defence and learning combatives, which was connected to self confidence for me. As I have grown in the arts, I have certainly gained a ton of confidence, yet am not over confident. The knowledge that there is always going to be someone better or more skilled than I drives me to want to continue to learn and cultivate a deeper understanding. Now, it's all about challenging myself to improve.
Self protection, physical fitness, mental awareness, verbal skills, confidence, etc. and i can't run, so i gotta fight each time. No one aspect is more important than the other
In descending order:

5)It irritates my wife
2)Getting into shape
1)I get to fight without getting in trouble
physical fitness

protect my family and friends

those are the only 2 motives i have
I really don't know.......just wanted to do so badly ever since I could remember...An unexplainable yearning to train in the Martial Arts. I am sure I was born to do it. :)
Lets see.
1. The pure fun of it.I love this stuff!
2. An odd sense of harmony.I dont know why, but I always feel really relaxed and peaceful whenever I do anything with martial arts.
3.The art.I love thinking about it,the philosophy,the movements, all the details of it.
4.Self-defense.Being able to whup someones butt does give me a certain amount of satisfaction.

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